Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

description of the camera and some results of elaborating of 
these photographs for mapping up to the scale 1: 10,000 
have been reported by Sollner (1993), Marek (1995), 
Kaczyfiski (1994), Muller et a. (1994), Konecny (1995). 
Depending on the contrast, the ground resolution of these 
data varies from 1.2 to 4 m. 
KVR-1000 photograph of Warsaw area was scanned with 
pixel sizes 15 pm and 25 pm. Some noise was filtered out in 
the Fourier domain on the 12S VI2STA system. Enhancement 
of edges has been done using Raise-Power and high-pass 
Gauss and Exponential filters in the frequency domain. 
This filtered, enhanced image was used for elaborating a few 
satellite image maps of Warsaw. Since the area of Warsaw is 
flat, the DEM was not used for rectification. 
The image was rectified with accuracy less than 0.5 pixel to 
military topomaps in the scale of 1: 25,000 using 180 well 
identified and distributed control points. 
SPOT XS digital data was registered to the rectified digital 
KVR-1000 image. 
À first order polynomial transform and bilinear interpolation 
resampling method was used to create new SPOT XS data 
with pixel size recalculated from 20 m by 20 m to 5.8 m by 
5.8 m pixel size. Image to image registration has been 
checked on 12S VI2STA using correlation software (RMSE < 
0.5 pixel, r = 0.97). As two bands of SPOT multispectral 
data were correlated XS1 and XS2 bands were added with 
weighted coefficient. 
After applying different contrast enhancement a few colour 
composites were prepared. One of this was: XS3 was coded 
with a Red filter, KVR-1000 with Green and XS1 + XS2 
with Blue. 
The first false colour satellite image map of Warsaw in scale 
of 1: 25,000 was printed on the STORK Evidence Ink-Jet 
printer by Geosystems GmbH in 1993. 
This satellite image map was checked against topomaps in the 
scale of 1: 25,000 on 80 well identified points. Final RMSE 
x = 6 m, RMSE y = 5 m was achieved, which corresponds to 
RMSE x,y < 0.3 mm in the final map scale. This map has 
been elaborated in cooperation with the SURFACES 
Laboratory of the University in Liege. 
Another version of the satellite image map in the scale 
1: 25,000 was produced also digitally in IGiK on the ISI-3 
Intergraph and printed on a Rolland offset device by 
BUROSENSE in 1994. 
The third "satellite topoimage map" has been generated also 
digitally in the scale 1: 25,000. The black topographic layer 
was scanned from military topographic maps in the 1942 
cartographic coordinates system in the scale 1: 50,000 on the 
Intergraph large format scanner ANATech 3640 with an 
aperture of 800 DPI in order to create raster map files. After 
merging together a few topomaps a new digital map was 
resampled to 5.8 m by 5.8 m pixel size using nearest 
neighbour method. Boolean algebra was used for super- 
imposition of the satellite image map with the digital 
topomaps. The result was a new satellite image map in the 
scale of 1: 25,000 printed with the topographic information 
as white overlay on a BARCO Ink-Jet printer. This digital 
map was used for updating of the old 1983 topographic map. 
The results were presented at the ISPRS Symposium, 
Working Group IV/3 held in Athens, Georgia, USA in 1994 
(Muller at el. 1994). 
Part of this colour satellite topoimage map of Warsaw 
reduced to the scale of 1: 40,000 as B/W image is shown on 
Fig.1. Topographic features are shown in white superimosed 
on merged KVR-1000 with SPOT XS images. 
KVR-1000 scanned on the PS-1 ZEISS/INTERGRAPH with 
the aperture 15 pm was used for elaborating new colour 
satellite image maps of Warsaw in scales of 1: 50,000, 
1: 25,000 and B/W in scale of 1: 10,000. 
This green - beige - blue satellite image map in scale 
1: 50,000 is also based on KVR-1000 B/W photograph as 
the other versions. Its colour conception was realised by Dr. 
J. Drachal from IGiK as follows. The areas of vegetation e.g. 
parks, recreation grounds, woods and gardens have been 
classified on SPOT XS imagery and transferred to higher 
resolution Kosmos image after warping and resampling. 
They are represented in green colour. Blue colour shows the 
hydrography of the area. The areas of all bodies of water 
have been interpreted on the KVR-1000 image with the aid 
of the topographic map and vectorized on the screen using 
MicroStation software. The rest of the map area was coloured 
beige only with main streets underlined reddish. 
The separation of only two classes of objects shown in 
colours different from the beige background makes this map 
easy in perception despite quiet form. This is because colours 
are not the only mean of distinction of objects and there are 
also different shades, textures and the sharp drawing of a 
high resolution photograph itself which convey the 
Several surfacial objects can be easily distinguished by its 
colour and texture as shown in boxes of the legend. 
The map is also elaborated in the Gauss - Krüger 6 degrees 
projection in coordinate system 1942. The two patches in 
corners show the Old Town and the centre of the city in scale 
1: 10,000. 
The map has been elaborated on ISI-3 Intergraph and printed 
on the IRIS 3047 Ink-Jet printer in IGiK in 1996. 
The another satellite image map in scale 1: 25,000 is also 
based on KVR-1000 B/W photograph and the topographic 
maps in scale of 1: 10,000 used as a source of colour 
distinction of topographic objects. Built-up areas have been 
extracted from topographic maps and shown on a satellite 
map in red colour. 
The satellite B/W image map in scale 1: 10,000 was also 
elaborated on the VI2STA of the I2S system in IGiK. 
Accuracy of this map is RMSE x,y = +3 m. 
Hard copy of the map was printed on the IRIS 3047 Ink-Jet 
printer in IGiK in 1994. 
Usefulness of KVR-1000 image for updating of the 
topographic maps are shown on Fig.2 and Fig.3. The old 
topographic map in scale 1: 25,000 has been updated 
digitally using MicroStation software. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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