Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

This approach is called 2.5D and is condemned to fail for 
arbitrary surfaces. 
The modelling of real three-dimensional surfaces needs a 3D- 
datamodel for the exact geometric and thematic representation. 
Whereby the meaning of '3D' not only implies the usage of 
three coordinates, but furthermore complete independence of 
position and orientation of the surface in space, i.e. indepen- 
dence from the coordinate-system. 
This can be achieved by decomposing the surface into simple 
pieces, thus obtaining high flexibility concerning the shape of 
the surface. In our approach the surface is described and mo- 
delled only with few basic topological elements. These are the 
commonly used simplices: node, edge, triangle and tetrahedron 
(Frank, 1986, Molenaar, 1994). These simplices are the basic 
geometric entities of the respective dimension, see figure 1. 
0-simplex node: 0 
1-simplex edge: Q0 
2-simplex triangle: 
3-simplex tetrahedron: 
Fig. 1: Simplices of respective dimension. 
The adjacency and incidence relations among these basic ele- 
ments determine the topology of the surface (Neureither, 
1992). The simplices together with their topological relations 
form a skeleton of the surface. But it is not sufficient to 
describe a surface only with topological relations. The surface 
also has to be determined geometrically. This geometric de- 
termination is done by relating the nodes uniquely to the mea- 
sured data-points. 
The topological structure automatically can be used for mathe- 
matical representation of the surface, which can be done, for 
example, with cubic Bézier-patches - which is not part of this 
paper (Pfeifer, 1996). 
An important element in the modelling of surfaces are lines. 
These lines are used to model discontinuities of tangent-planes, 
to exclude regions and for many other tasks. How to include 
these lines into the basic concept? Lines can be described as an 
ordered, connected aggregation of nodes and edges, i.e. a for- 
mal sum of nodes and edges called 'chain' in Frank, 1986. 
Lines are topological constraints which have to be kept and 
preserved in the triangulation. 
2.3 Discussion 
The presented approach has some advantages in comparison to 
former concepts in surface modelling (refer to the requirements - 
in chapter 2.1): 
+ The simplices, as well as the topological relations are 
completely independent of the coordinate-system. 
The topological relations determine the situation of 
adjacent elements. These neighbourhood-relations can 
be instantly used for local algorithms. 
The concept is flexible enough for the modelling of 
arbitray surfaces. 
The concept is general in the sense that it can be used 
to model lines, surfaces and bodies. Hence different 
dimensions can be combined. 
The topological relations can be used immediately for 
the mathematic representation of the surface, e.g. with 
triangular patches. 
The geometric decomposition of the surface can also be 
extended to thematic attributes related to the surface, 
thus to model non-geometric information. 
The main disadvantage of the approach is the problem to find 
the topological relations which are not known a priori. A solu- 
tion to this problem is presented in the following chapter. 
3.1 Triangulation 
In general the topological relations between the data-points are 
not ,, measured”, i.e. no further informations than the coordina- 
tes are sampled. The topological relations have to be deduced 
from an unorganized cloud of points in space. Furthermore they 
are not uniquely determined, i.e. it depends on someones inter- 
pretation which points can be seen as neighbours on the sur- 
face and which can not. 
A well known method to establish these relations is a triangu- 
lation of the data-points (Cline 1984). A triangulation is a 
partition of the surface into triangles with the data-points as 
vertices. The triangles mustn't overlap, nor are holes allowed. 
There exist many solutions to the triangulation of points in the 
plane, but only few for triangulation of points of N°. Three 
different approaches for 3D-triangulations can be suggested: 
*  Tessellation with tetrahedrons and extraction of the 
desired surface. 
Triangulation of the 3D-points by utilizing additional 
information or properties of the surface. 
Projection of the problem into N°, e.g. triangulation in 
a plane, such as the ground plane. 
A method of the second approach has been presented in Choi, 
1988. But this method has a big disadvantage: a distinct point 
is necessary, from which the whole surface has to be visible. 
Such an outstanding point can not always be guaranteed. The 
method presented here is a further development of Choi's 
method, without the necessity of the above mentioned point. 
The developed method works locally and incrementally - to 
support progressive sampling. The insertion of a point happens 
in four steps: 
Locating the triangle the point belongs to. 
Integrating the point within the triangle. 
Optimizing the triangulation. 
Establishing constraints (lines). 
3.2 Locating the triangle 
The first step of inserting a point is to find the correct triangle 
the point belongs to. This is done by using an order-criterion. 
Order is a relation, which stands between geometric and topo- 
logical relation (Schlieder, 1995). In the plane a point lies 
inside a triangle, if it lies left of every edge of the triangle 
(assuming the edges are ordered in anticlockwise manner). 
This left/right-relation is clear in the plane. But in 3D-space no 
such relation exists between edges and points. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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