Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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providing logical decisions (e.g. is this a road or a river?), 
which are the most difficult to successfully automate. 
The advancements in the above research topics are supported 
by developments in  softcopy photogrammetric 
workstations [Heipke, 1995], which are slowly but steadily 
gaining the trust of practitioners. Their advantages can be 
summarized as 
® operational ease, with cumbersome observation and 
measuring tasks substituted by  computer-executed 
e versatility, as limitations associated with analog and 
(less so) analytical instruments are naturally bypassed 
by softcopy systems, while at the same time the 
compatibility with other parts of the geoinformation 
environment is optimized, and 
e  cost-effectiveness, as they are less expensive than their 
analytical counterparts, and in addition offer, through 
automation, better time performance in their intended 
When examining the performance of digital orientations, 
aerotriangulation and other operations, and comparing them 
to analytical processes, one must not ignore that, beyond 
accuracies, operational ease and  user-friendliness are 
essential issues influencing the choice of the practitioners. 
Thus, while some of the above operations (e.g. orientations) 
are performing accuracy-wise equally to analytical methods, 
the immense potential offered by automation (e.g. the 
simultaneous measurement of hundreds of conjugate points 
in a stereopair within few minutes) make digital operations 
overall superior to analytical ones. 
From an image analysis point-of-view, and beyond the 
obvious practical database issues associated with the 
integration of large raster files and relevant vector/object 
data in a GIS, the most important effects of photogeographic 
integration on GIS can be classified under two broad 
categories, namely GIS multidimensionality and the 
integration of accuracy infornration. 
4.1 GIS Multidimensionality 
Currently, typical GISs operate on a 2.5-D mode, with a 
single z-value attributed to a point (x,y), often through the 
use of DIM information. Within an integrated 
photogeographic information environment we are moving 
to full 3-D data, and furthermore, by considering the time 
parameter of data, to multi-dimensional operations. The 
move towards fully 3-D GIS is also supported by the 
potential for the fusion of aerial with terrain digital imagery 
and 3-D building models extracted from it [Streilein, 1994]. 
The move to 3-D GIS results from the integration of 3-D 
object information (e.g. buildings or 3-D vectors) extracted 
through image analysis methods. The transition from 
existing 2.5-D to full 3-D GIS is much more complex than 
simply adding another layer of information, which does not 
constitute integration [Fritsch, 1990]. Full 3-D database 
operations, like queries and visualization processes, would 
not be covered by such an extension. From a practical point 
of view, the extension of an already functioning GIS to 
accommodate a third dimension is deemed non-trivial, and 
database storage and management concepts and 
methodologies need to be properly modified to support this 
extension. This can be extremely difficult even for versatile 
object-oriented systems, thus suggesting that the 
development of novel prototypes appears to be a more 
appealing solution. 
Within this broader concept, 3-D object representation is 
important. Boundary representations (B-Rep) are very 
suitable for 3-D objects, especially employing CAD, but 
spatial occupancy enumeration, constructive — solid 
geometry, and cell decomposition in general (or octrees in 
particular), are valid alternatives for 3-D object structuring 
[Fritsch & Schmidt, 1995]. 
In addition to the third topographic dimension, the 
integration of digital imagery is emphasizing the role of 
time as a fourth dimension within GIS, thus making 
integrated photogeographic environments actually 4-D. 
Even though the temporal aspect is inherently included in 
current GIS applications, the use of imagery, which by 
nature is time-specific, is making its exploitation more 
pressing in database management systems (DBMS). Within 
this framework, geoobjects can be described by their spatio- 
temporal extent and behavior [Shibasaki, 1994]. 
4.2 Integration of Accuracy Information 
Currently, photogrammetric data are typically treated within 
a GIS as deterministic values, ignoring spatiotemporal 
geometric and thematic uncertainties associated with: 
e the methodologies used for their production (e.g. the 
algorithm employed for the generation of a DTM or the 
measurement of an outline), 
e the quality of the data employed within these 
methodologies (e.g. resolution and sensor 
characteristics of digital imagery employed by the 
above methodologies), and 
e the temporal validity of these data (e.g. date of capture 
of the imagery which was processed to produce the 
metadata of interest). 
An integrated photogeographic environment is characterized 
by the multitude of data and associated sources and 
algorithms. Within such an environment, the proper use of 
information requires the identification of the uncertainty 
estimates associated with it for proper error propagation 
analysis within database operations. Thus, 
photogrammetrically produced data can be viewed as a 
specific form of fuzzy information within a GIS: they 
express information which is not inherently fuzzy (i.e. the 
outline of a building, or terrain heights), but is available 
with some measures of accuracy (and consequently, 
inaccuracy) associated with it. This is one of the critical 
issues differentiating the integration of digital 
photogrammetry vs. remote sensing within a GIS, as remote 
sensing is typically dealing with inherently fuzzy entities 
(e.g. outlines of cultivated areas). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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