Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Participants of MISSION will work with similar datasets, at 
least in respect to MOMS-02/Priroda imagery. They also 
may use in common derived products like geocoded data, 
digital elevation models or existing geo-databases. Results 
from one group may as well be relevant for another one. 
There is a strong demand for information, data distribution 
and exchange. These issues have a strong networking 
component, which is to be covered by the Datapool task. 
Datapool neither is a very specifically tailored information- 
facility as ISIS by DLR (Strunz and Lotz-Iwen, 1994) nor 
just a general framework for project management issues. 
Model and motivation for our plans are the current efforts 
of the European Commission launching the Centre for 
Earth Observation CEO (Churchill, 1995). Our goal is to 
establish within MISSION a strong Austrian branch of the 
CEO, where most important institutions are contained. 
3.1 CEO as a Model 
By 1995, the CEO ended its "Pathfinder Phase". Based on 
applications studies, now the design is to be implemented. 
Contrary to its name, CEO is to be a loose organized 
decentralized network, which is expected to stimulate the 
market for remote sensing data by supporting the provision 
of new products and services. There are no intentions of 
establishing new hierarchies, but the system shall be as 
open and flexible as possible. Informations, data and 
services may live and develop on their own, independent 
of central organizations and facilities. However, CEO will 
edit recommendations for data-quality, terms of advertizing 
services etc., which are expected to be acknowledged by 
data-providers, customers and researchers as well. 
According to this model and the specific requirements of 
MISSION, the framework to be set up has several goals: 
Planned Services 
Organisatorial issues: 
Project-coordination for MISSION: 
contacting German organizations DARA and DLR, 
for acquisition-planning and data-dissemination: 
organization of project meetings twice a year; 
compilation of project reports and documentation: 
public relations issues (employing various media). 
Establishing Hyper-G-based communication and 
data-dissemination within the project; 
providing simulated optical data (see Fig.2); 
exploiting high performance transfer capabilities 
using ATM (Walcher and Rehatschek, 1995); 
organization of decentralized preprocessing (e.g. 
geocoding) within the MISSION-participants; 
developing JAVA-based query- and retrieval-tools; 
links among the partners to implement a distributed 
database within the MISSION-group; 
establishing the core of a CEO-oriented Austrian 
group of remote sensing scientists, providers and 
applications-oriented users. 
Network-based services: 
Original image-data (e.g. from MOMS-02/Priroda or 
other satellites); 
preprocessed data (e.g. geocoded or radiometrically 
existing topographic databases provided by 
participants (e.g. DEM data); 
optional controlled disstribution of remote sensing 
images and other data (for copyright reasons); 
products and results made available by individual 
partners (e.g. landuse data); 
provide project- and product-information to the 
scientific community and the public on the net. 
Fig.2: Simulation of Stereo-MOMS data by digitized KFA-1000 imagery (Oetscher region, Lower Austria). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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