Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

s of 
A display encapsulates a coordinate system and the 
knowledge of how to place objects onto a portion of the 
physical computer screen. À graphic tool is and objects 
that "knows" how to draw a GO on a display with a 
certain set of symbols. CGen interferes with the process 
of cartographic representation two times. First time, 
CGen enables it to restore the generalized image of GO 
in the required level of details depending on entity 
characteristics as prescribed in the multi-detail model. 
During the next stage CGen solves conflicts: geometrical 
(too small, too narrow, too short, too close) (Mackaness, 
1994) and semantic, which are based on the nature of an 
entity and links between entities (e.g., a road crosses a 
river, the latter being over 2 m deep; here a third entity 
must be shown - a bridge). During such conflicts solving 
interference of an operator can be needed, so an 
exchange of messages between CGen and the user's 
display is required. 
GO topology of two types can be supported: local 
neighborhood topology and Delaunay triangulation. 
Support of base topology and creation of "on flight" 
topology for intermittent detail level can be useful while 
solving conflicts at visualization of cartographic images 
of entities and control of adequacy of CG processes. 
The representation methods of various generalization 
techniques of multi-detailed objects, the results of the 
inventory of existing guidelines of Russian cartography, 
the operation and corresponding map generalization 
techniques were investigated in early works 
(Govorov, 1994,1995, Khorev,1996). Also, CG methods 
for the 1st and 2nd levels MGISs have been identified 
and systematized. 
The defined objects of MGIS can be used as: 1) 
functions for object-oriented model of features; 2) 
principles for construction multi-detailed structures of 
the features or geometrical objects; 3) selection 
techniques of suitable algorithms for cartographic 
It must be noted that the proposed approach to creation 
of MGIS and the developed complex of software, has as 
its prerequisite the ability to re-construct and interchange 
components of the system. Also for realization of MGIS it 
is proposed to use such modern technologies as OLE 
and DDE data exchange. 
To make up the full package of the system it is proposed 
to use the GO library sets for various theme applications, 
including industrial DMS and CG. 
Further research efforts will be concerned with 
development of spatial access mechanism by means of 
the overlapping region's scheme; the questions of 
integrity of  multi-detail representation data base; 
methods of maintenance of topological objects 
relationships; object-layer organization and linking; tiling 
and edge-matching solutions. 
The proposed approach is taken as the main principle for 
development of an object-oriented — geographic 
information system "SOCRAT-GEO". The "SOCRAT- 
GEO" uses BORLAND C++ 4.51 compiler, tool kit for 
Creating a "client-server" application - DELPHI95, and 
other programming tools. 
The authors should like to express theirs appreciation to 
the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research which 
have provided partial financial support for the research. 
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