Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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easy to detect and minimize these differences by a gain/bias 
replacement in raw images. 
SPOT imagery, geometrically uncorrected, often displays a 
regular chess-pattern noise with a period of two pixels. This 
problem occurred in the early life of each satellite, but has since 
then been reduced. The reason of the noise is still not fully 
A filter is derived, and used by SSC Satellitbild, to remove this 
coherent noise from the un-resampled image before the 
geometrical correction. (Westin, 1990) 
In areas with low reflection i.e. forests and areas with low sun 
elevation relevant information is registered in only 10-20 
quantum levels. The signal to noise ratio is reduced which 
causes stripings in the images using traditional contrast 
stretching methods. The problem is solved by multiplying the 
raw image with a suitable factor before applying the calibration 
coefficients during the contrast stretch. 
2.3 Geometric correction 
Due to the stable orbit and the fact that satellite motion is 
subject to the laws of celestial mechanics, it is possible to 
formulate a mathematical orbital model describing the exterior 
orientation with a reduced number of parameters. The 
orientation of one line could then be evaluated based on 
knowledge of the time for the line registration. 
23.1 Orbital Model. The satellite image includes a two- 
dimensional coordinate (line, pixel), which has to be correlated 
to a three-dimensional geodetic coordinate (latitude, longitude, 
height). This is done by measuring Ground Control Points 
(GCPs) i.e. with GPS or by digitizing objects from maps, and 
locating them in the image. These earth observations are used to 
update the a priori values of the parameters in the orbital 
model, and this makes it possible to correlate and resample 
satellite registered information in accordance with the ground 
The following list is one way of describing the complexity of 
the mathematic orbit adjustment model. Transformations 
between these coordinate systems are calculated, beginning 
with the information registered by the sensors in the satellite 
and ending with the ground control points. 
* The Sensor Coordinate System describing the detector 
position errors in the CCD arrays. 
* The Attitude Measurement Reference System includes 
information of the discrepancies in attitude angles 
according to the zero a priori value. 
* The Local Orbital Reference System is a moving system 
describing the position of the satellite mass ceníre in 
reference to the earth centre. 
* The Earth Centered Inertial Coordinate System (ECI) which 
has its origin at the mass centre of the earth, and also the 
orbital parameters referred to it. 
* The SPOT Ephemeris Reference System uses the 
International 1980 ellipsoid for the ephemeris. The 
information has to be transferred from the SPOT system to 
the ECI system before it can be used for calculation of 
orbital a priori parameters. 
* The Ground Control Point Reference System describes the 
local geodetic system in which the ground control points 
are measured. 
23.2 Sequence of scenes. The continuous registration, 
"Pushbroom scanning", used by the SPOT satellites makes it 
possible to extend the geometrical correction of one scene to 
Include scenes registered in sequence. The adjustment model 
Will be more complex but it results in a stable adjustment that 
could include up to five scenes. This method decreases the 
Production time and reduces problems of merging scenes 
registered in the same strip. (Westin, 1991) 
23.3 Ground Control Points (GCP). Topographic maps are 
usually sufficiently accurate for the correction of satellite 
Images on scales around 1:50,000. Investigations show that 
there is no particular increase of accuracy, with more than seven 
P's per satellite scene. Experiences from precision 
correction using maps on a scale of 1:50,000 show RMS errors 
of approximately 20 metres, caused by digitizing errors, map 
shrinking and inaccurate geographical position of the objects. 
Instead of using maps with low or unknown accuracy, it is 
possible to produce satellite images as a concept for the control 
point measurement. By using three to four points within each 
raw scene it is possible to optimize the GPS measurement 
according to the orbital model and geometrical correction of a 
sequence of scenes, still achieving RMS errors during the 
adjustment of around five metres. 
The optimal method of measuring GCP’s with Global 
Positioning System (GPS) was investigated and evaluated by 
students from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, 
(Dahlgren, Svedjesten, 1993). Two methods briefly described 
as follows was evaluated according to the criterion to find out 
methods resulting in RMS errors not exceeding five metres. 
Static observation, occupies the control point until enough data 
has been registered from the satellites. This is the most accurate 
method and the one traditionally used, resulted in a RMS of 3.4 
m during the geometric correction in 2-dimension. 
The results of the investigation show that an increase of the two 
parameters of major interest for the evaluation, observation time 
15 min and baseline distance 50 km, did not significantly 
improve the insufficient RMS error. 
Kinematic observations, allow placement of the receiver on the 
roof of a car. Measurements can then be performed during the 
movement through the road intersection. This measurement was 
done from both the crossing roads and results in two crossing 
vectors, which allows calculation of the centre of the 
intersection. The result of the observations, RMS 4 m, shows 
that this technique has a very high potential for automatic 
processing in the nearby future. 
2.3.4 Digital Terrain Model (DTM). It is necessary to use a 
Digital Terrain Model, DTM, to reduce the influence of the 
oblique viewing angle and the terrain altitude. The DTM could 
be processed from a SPOT stereo pair by automatic matching, 
using methods as Multi-Point-Matching (Rosenholm D., 1987) 
or Match-T. For reasons of cost and time it would not be 
rational in these projects since contour lines already exist in the 
old maps. 
Digitized contour lines from different map sheets was edge 
connected to each other before any further processes could take 
place. The digitized and coded contours was then transformed 
to the Baltic system, using transformation parameters, described 
in paragraph 2.3.7. 
The digital contour lines was used as input to a Digital Terrain 
Model interpolation program TIN which creates triangles 
according to the digitized breakpoints in the vectors. The 
regular DTM grid was then interpolated from the three height 
values of the triangles. It is important to use approximately the 
same distance between the breakpoints in one contour line as to 
the nearest digitized line with different elevation. 
Satellite GPS- Digital 
Images measurments Terrain Model 
Orbital Satellite 
Adjustment a priori data 
Fig. 1. Geometric correction 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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