Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

2.3.5 Geodetic systems. The system is based on the GRS 1980 
ellipsoid with parameter values almost similar to WGS 84, the 
ellipsoid used for GPS positioning. The Soviet Union system 
uses the Krassovsky ellipsoid. First order points in the net are 
connected and adjusted together with points from Finland, 
Poland and Germany. 
2.3.6 Map projections. The Baltic projection parameters are 
rather similar to the parameters used in the standardized 
Transverse Mercator Projection, Universal Transverse 
Projection, UTM. Because of the longitude location of the 
countries it was not convenient to use the standard meridian 
suggested in UTM. In order to minimize distortions in the 
central parts it was decided that the central meridian should be 
centered in the Baltic states. All other parameters are similar to 
UTM parameters. 
2.3.7 Transformation. Since the old Soviet Union geodetic 
datum is unknown, some of the points in the old geodetical net 
have been measured by GPS. Transformation parameters are 
then calculated between the two systems using well defined 
positions in the Soviet system and the same points measured 
and transformed to the Baltic system using a 7-parameter 
transform, including 3-dimensional translation, 3-dimensional 
rotations and a scale factor. 
X AX, WAREZ =ryf.X 
Y =| AY, [+m*{-rz 1 rmx |Y (1) 
Z Baltic AZ, ry TX 1 SovietUnion 
Calculation of these transformation parameters has made it 
possible to use information from the old Soviet Union 
topographic maps as reference material in the projects. 
Hydrographic information is an example of a feature that has 
been selected and digitized from the old maps. 
2.3.8 Image Processing. By using image enhancement filtering 
the interpretation results can be optimized. In this case two 
different methods are combined and included in the production 
process. The standard corrected images are DEHAZE filtered 
which strengthens the edges between light and dark features in 
the images. DODGING adjusts global contrast differences. In 
practice this means that dark areas, like forests, will become 
somewhat lighter, and light areas will appear somewhat darker. 
Finally, when combining two or more scenes in a mosaic, it is 
important to correlate them spectrally, to increase the 
interpretability and to present a more homogenous product for 
the image background without seam strips between images. 
2.4 Products delivered by SSC 
For a combination of technical and cost reasons it was decided 
to produce the panchromatic information on a scale 1:50,000 
and the multispectral on 1:100,000. According to SSC 
Satellitbild’s production routines the corresponding spatial 
resolution of the digital data is 10 and 20 metres respectively. 
The panchromatic information was delivered as map sheets 
related to the new Baltic map sheet index system and the 
multispectral images as precision corrected scenes. 
2.4.1 Digital Products. The digital data was delivered on CD- 
ROM with a storage capacity of 600 Mbytes. As the image data 
includes merely image information, the data describing map 
projection, ellipsoid, resolution, etc. has to be specified. SSC - 
Satellitbild has developed a GIS format including description 
files on the size and layout of the image raster file, on the map 
projection, map sheet and on the different sources used for 
producing the image. They are presented separately from the 
image data, in an ASCII file, because different image 
processing software use these descriptive data in different ways, 
making it possible to use the information independent of 
2.4.2 Photographic products. Satellite data was presented in 
two types of photographic products, paper prints and 
transparent films. Film is a more stable material than 
photographic paper with regard to shrinkage and expansion 
from variations in humidity and temperature. On the other hand, 
unlike photo-paper transparent films require light-tables for 
their interpretation and cannot, therefore, be used in the field. 
Panchromatic (Black and White data) on a scale of 1:50,000 
was delivered as both paper prints and transparent films and 
multispectral data on a scale of 1:100,000 as paper prints, with 
a plastic base giving a stability similar to that of transparent 
Furthermore the shrinkage and expansion errors, of about 2-3 
mm on a print of 50 cm, could easily be minimized with a affin 
transformation in 2 dimensions. 
2.5 Interpretation 
Information possible to interpretate from remotely sensed 
registrations is in general of the "land cover" category, which is 
an interpretation of vegetation, water, open areas etc, 
Traditional maps usually present "land use" features implying 
that some evaluation has been added during the interpretation of 
the images to convert from land cover to land use information. 
2.5.1 Information sources. Existing digital data bases, 
digitized from topographic maps on a scale of 1:50,000 contain 
build-up areas 
road network (three classes) 
administrative boundaries 
peat extraction fields 
contour lines with 20 m equidistance 
name data base (being developed) 
All these elements have to be transformed from the old datum 
to the new Baltic geodetic datum. The data from the old maps 
serves mainly as a complement to the satellite image data 
during the interpretation. 
Satellite images. The area covered by each panchromatic 
Satellite Ortho Photo Map is 25*25 km. Most of the SOMs 
contain information from two or more satellite scenes, 
optimally mosaicked for the base mapping purpose. Due to the 
oblique registrations of the satellite data it has been necessary to 
use a Digital Terrain Model to eliminate displacement errors 
caused by terrain variations. The multispectral data 
geometrically processed in the same way is particularly suitable 
for area interpretations, such as land cover information. 
Other sources. Available existing Maps on a scale of 1:10,000 - 
1:100,000, aerial photographs and field studies in combination 
with local knowledge and competence concerning the land and 
its resources is in general the best ground truth data. 
Investigations of name data was a highly time consuming part 
of the mapping, due to the 50 year mapping period with 
Russian names spelled with Cyrillic letters. 
2.5.2 Legend. Before starting the actual interpretation work, a 
legend has to be established containing all types of objects to be 
interpreted. Forest for example have to be precisely defined by 
crown cover density before the representation in the satellite 
imagery was investigated. 
Since areas, that are not always homogeneous it is important to 
clearly define the boundaries and priorities between different 
classes to minimize possible ambiguity during the 
interpretation. This was done between all pairs of classes. 
2.5.3 Methods. Three alternative production methods have t0 
be considered depending on the quality of the sources. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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