Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system that 
is used to manage and represent data for the description 
of a part of the earth. 
In the most existing GIS packages the third dimension is 
not considered as a real dimension, but is only 
considered as a supplementary dimension or rather as a 
supplementary information. 
At present, the well used GISs contain data that apply 
only to two dimensions in the specific ground system and 
that are completed with height information. These GISs 
are called 2.5-D or 2-D * 1-D (Bill, Fritsch, 1991) (Kraus, 
A Digital Terrain Model (DTM), in which only the third 
dimension is significant, can be a part of these GISs and 
is another important, well defined and often integrated 
The aim of most existing 3-D systems is the viewing of 3- 
D perspectives to perform urban planning, insertion of 
urbanistic projects into urban areas. A real 3-D model 
involves the use of a structure where for each point the x, 
y and z coordinate have the same significance 
(Rongxing, 1994). 
GISs are used to manage objects that describe a specific 
part of the earth reality. 
In an urban landscape there are artificial objects which 
have a very complex architecture. This is the reason why 
these objects contain very complex shapes. 
Objects contain often very significant characteristics in 
the third dimension because they are often higher than 
wide. A house or an apartment building can not be 
efficiently modelled with an area boundary. They have 
got heights, several floors, cellars of which the fittings out 
could be significant to be represented and managed. 
There are also other types of objects that are very 
complex, like bridges, tunnels or underground buildings, 
and that in addition have got overlapping parts. This kind 
of objects needs more than one level for their description. 
Our system has to allow also the managing of such 
complex objects. This is only possible if the third 
dimension is considered as a real dimension and as a 
real part of the objects. 
The important factors in the definition of a system are the 
geographic position in the 3-D space and the geometric 
particularities of the data. These particularities will make 
it possible to oppose the systems based on a reliable 
geometry with the systems expected for the only 
l'epresentation and visualisation. 
The 3-D data are acquired by using surveying and 
photogrammetric techniques with the principal objective 
of achieving and preserving a reliable object. This can be 
performed by storing as data all the measures obtained 
during the acquisition. 
The storage of all ground measures allows to get primary 
acquired data in reply to specific geometric queries. 
The object representation could be slightly different than 
the measures done because it results from the fitting out 
of the measures to geometric and topologic constraints. 
In wide area systems that do not contain very complex 
and subtle elements, a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) can 
be used as a basic structure of the 3-D model. In this 
case, the DTM is the structure that holds up the objects. 
In a real and complete 3-D model, the DTM is the inferior 
part of the superficial objects but is also the superior part 
of the underground objects or, more generally, will 
determine the intersection between the ground and the 
objects placed over, under or in it. 
This DTM is very important and is to be considered as 
the basic concept of this modelling. It is used to define 
and to build the ground terrain surface, but can also be 
used to form and to build complex surfaced shapes 
(Kager, Halmer, Heitzinger, 1996). 
In order to achieve geometric reliability, solids from the 
concept of constructive solid geometry can not be the 
only primitives used for efficient 3-D modelling. 
Nevertheless, this concept can give us a library of initial 
geometric shapes. 
To supplement this concept, new types of complex 
objects can be hierarchically defined. These new complex 
object types are in fact the result of the combination of 
blocks by using geometric constructive operators. Blocks 
are themselves a combination of basic primitives which 
are, at last, split up to increase the precision grade. 
4.1. Envelope of the blocks 
Each block placed in the 3-D space is surrounded by an 
envelope (smallest surrounding prism). The envelopes 
make it possible to integrate objects which are not 
definitively formed into the 3-D space. These envelopes 
are also used for the selection of the objects by their 
graphic representation. 
There are two types of envelopes : the validated one that 
contain definitively formed objects and the not validated 
one that contain not definitively formed objects. 
These different envelopes ask the problem of continuity 
management between adjoining envelopes. Two 
adjoining objects contained in two validated envelopes 
will define several common intersections on the objects 
Two adjoining and not definitively formed objects that are 
contained in two not validated envelopes will define their 
intersections on the envelopes and not on the objects 
In the not validated envelopes all the construction 
parameters of each object must be stored with the 
objects so that their constructions can be fulfilled in a 
next step. 
These different concepts can be extended to the 
primitives of objects that can that way be validated or 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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