Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

e the criticism of space agencies designing 
platforms - sensors and uses according to the top 
down principle, while a user oriented bottom-up 
strategy was needed. 
It is noteworthy that the first international presenta- 
tion of the USSR space efforts with cameras such 
as the MKF 6, the KATE and the KFA 1000 cameras 
took place during the Commission Ill Symposium in 
Leipzig in 1986. This really opened up international 
At the Washington ISPRS Congress of 1992 a new 
situation had arisen. The US Landsat Commercial- 
ization Act had taken its full effect, and hopes for 
international cooperation 
in the provision of high 
resolution satellite data 
for a price everyone could 
made in automated digital data extraction for stereo 
image matching to derive digital elevation data, in 
classification and object retrieval of multispectral, 
multitemporal and multisensoral data after geo- 
coding, and in generating elevation data from 
interferometric radar signals. 
The currently available satellite data systems useful 
for mapping are summarized in tables 1 and 2. 
Table 1: Currently available civilian satellite systems for mapping 
afford had vanished. This | Country | Program Sensor | no. of | IFOV (m/l) | swath |launch | stereo 
brought about an era of bands width | date 
international competition, | USA NOAA 12 to 14 | AVHRR 5 1,1 km 2400 km | 1991 none 
but it also entered an era Landsat 5 TM 7 28 m VIS, IR 185 km 1984 none 
where supplementing sat- 120 m TIR 
ellite data products be- |France Spot 3 HRV 1pan |10m 60 km 1993 cross 
came available from many 3X8 20m track 
space agencies around | ESA ERS 1 to2 SAR C Band | 25m 100 km 1991 Interfero- 
the world. W 1995 | metry 
; | Japan JERS-1 OPS 7 18 m 75 km 1992 along 
This tendency will even SAR L Band track, 
increase in the next con- small 
gress period. Moreover, base 
while | governments or |!ndia IRS 1A, 1B LISS 1 4 72m 148 km 1988 none 
; ; IRS 1C LISS 2 4 36m 1991 
bilateral or. multilateral LISS 3 4 5,8 m pan 148 km 1996 Cross 
groups of governments 23,5 m VIS, IR | 774 km track 
have entered the provis- 70,5 m SWIR 
ion of space data, they WIFS 188 m 
are now becoming supple- | Canada | Radarsat SAR C Band | 10-50 m 50-500 km | 1996 Interfero- 
mented by commercial HH metry 
satellite data providers. Germany | MOMS 02/D2 | Stereo 7 4,5 m pan 37 km 1996 along 
Mapping from space has MOMS 13,55 m VNIR. | 78 km track 
thus become an inter- |Russia |Resurs1-3  |KFA1000 |2 5m 1998 
national concern. MK 4 MS 75m 
MIR (Priroda) | Kate 200 | pan 20m 
WG IV/2 has had the KWR 1000 2m 
the 1992-1996 Congress 
e Workshop and Conference, University of 
Hannover, Germany, September 1993 
e 2 sessions at the Commission IV Symposium, 
Athens, Georgia, June 1994 
e Workshop and Conference, Anna University, 
Madras, India, November 1995. 
Proceedings of the 1993 Workshop and the 1994 
Symposium were published. They are in preparation 
for the 1995 Workshop. 
In these proceedings the rapid progress has been 
documented. The progress is not only in the 
provision of satellite imagery by stereo systems, by 
multispectral systems, by coherent radar systems, 
but perhaps, even more significantly, by progress 
Table 2: Currently used military satellite systems 
(as far as known) 
Country| Program IFOV swath | launch 
(resolution) | width | date 
USA KH 11, KH 12|0,15 m? 10 km | 1970's 
France | Helios 1 3m 10 km | 1990's 
China Panoramic - 10 m 1985 
Russia | KFA 3000 0,7-1,5m 1990 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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