€0- Systems currently under preparation are listed in
‘om tables 3, 4 and 5.
Table 3: Civilian satellite data systems usable for mapping in preparation by governments
Country Program Sensor no. of IFOV swath launch stereo
MS bands width date
| USA Landsat 7 Enhanced TM 1pan |15m 185 km 1998 |none
| 7MS |285m
eful | EOS-AMI Aster 14 15 m VNIR 60 km 1998 |along track
| 30 m SWIR
| 90 m TIR
| France |SPOT4 HRV 1pan [10m 60 km 1997 | cross track
| 4MS |20m
| SPOT 5 HRV 1pan |5m 60 km 1999 | cross ? track
Ha 4 MS |-10, 20 m SWIR
| ESA Envisat 1998
— | Japan ADEOS AVNIR 4 8 m pan 80 km 1996 | cross track
| 16 m VNIR
| ALOS 4 |2,5m pan
— 10 m MS,
L Band Radar
E | India IRS 1D LISS 3 4 5,8 m pan 148 km 1997
ero- | 23,5 m VNIR
d 70,5 m SWIR
| IRS P6 WIFS 188 m 774 km 1999 | along track
CARTOSAT 1,2 2,5 m/1 m pan 10 km
s Canada | Radarsat 2 C Band 10-50 m 50-500 km
radar HH
Germany | MOMS 02 P Stereo-MOMS 7 5 m pan 45 km .1996 |along track
15 m VNIR 90 km
Russia Almaz 1B-OES 25-4m 1997
Meteor 3 M 1997
i Brazil Inpe CBERS 1998
| Table 4: Military satellite data systems in preparation
Country | Program Sensor IFOV swath width launch date
France | Helios 3 1m 10 km
Osiris X-Sar
— USA 8X 0,15 m? 150 km 2002
Israel Offeq 3 2-3m
S China FY-1C
Table 5: Commercial satellite data systems in preparation
e | Country Company Sensor no. of IFOV swath | launch stereo
Ys bands width date
TS USA (Japan, Italy) | Earth Watch (Ball) Early Bird 1 pan 3m 6 km 1996 | along track
dut QuickBird | 3MS | 15m | 30km
) USA (Saudi Arabia) | Orbital Sciences Orb View 1 2pan |1m,2m| 8km 1997 | along track
USA (Japan) Space Imaging 1 pan 1m 11 km 1997 | along track
Wi (Lockheed Martin) 4 MS 4m 11 km and cross track
USA Resource 21(Boeing) | 6 satellites MS 10m
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996