Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Figure 3 shows the study area from the LANDSAT 
TM(Path/Row: 116/34) which obtained on 15 Apr. 1986 
and 22 Sept. 1992, respectively. From this figure. the 
large land cover change due to the land reclamation is 
visible to naked eye. 
3-1. Net Radiation, Rn 
The net radiation at the land surface is the sum of 
incoming and outgoing spectral radiant fluxes integrated 
over all wavelengths and given by 
Rn=(1-a)- -S¢ +L -LT -————————————————2) 
where Rn is the net radiation(W/m' ), a. is the surface 
albedo, Sl is incoming solar irradiance, L4 is incoming 
longwave radiation from atmosphere, LT is the 
outgoing longwave radiation from the land surface. 
Each components of equation 2) were computed as 
Shortwave radiation(W/m?): For each grid, 
incoming shortwave radiation(0.15~ 4m) was 
estimated from the cloudiness, digital elevation model, 
and solar geometry. In this procedure, the topographic 
effects were considered: direct irradiance(Rsdir), diffuse 
irradiamce(Rsdif) and reflected irradiance(Rsref). The 
total irradiance on a tilted surface can be estimated by 
integrating those three components as follows: 
Rsi =(a+b-n/N)-(Rsdir+ Rsdif + Rsref) —-3) 
Rsdir - Isc- Eo: Pt" sin h' 4) 
Rsdif = OSes pnd Pl ltem —-5) 
1-14In Pt 2 
Rsref » a |Isc - Eo: Pt" -sinh' C6) 
1- Pi" , 1-cosB 
05 - Isc - Eo - sinh 
where Isc is the solar constant, Eo is the eccentricity 
correction factor of earth, A is the solar altitude, A’ is 
the altitude of the sun for a sloping surface, Pt is the 
atmospheric transmission coefficient, g is the slope 
angle of the surface, m is the relative optical air mass, 
nN is the cloudiness(the relative duration of sunshine). 
Albedo: Albedo was calculated using spectral 
reflectance factors for representative bands in the visible 
and near infrared bands of LANDSAT TM(Brest and 
Goward, 1987). For vegetated surfaces Brest and 
Goward calculated a as 
a = 0.526P(TM2) + 0.362P(TM4) + 0.112P(TM7) --7) 
for non-vegetated surfaces 
x, 7 0,526p(TM2) * 0.474 D(TMA) M8 8) 
where P(TM) is the reflectance of each TM band. 
Longwave  radiation(W/m^): Incoming and 
outgoing longwave radiation( > 4um)also was 
calculated using air temperature, surface temperature 
which extracted from TM band 6, and vapor pressure 
data in the following formula(Satterlund, 1979) 
incomming longwave radiation: 
LL = LO8 [1 — exp(-e, T, / 2016)] 0-Tg* ---9) 
outgoing longwave radiation: 
Lt uot 7 
where e, is the emissivity of the surface, c is the Stefan- 
Boltzman constant(7 5.67108 W m? K-4), and 7; is 
the surface temperature(°K ). T, is the air temperature( 
° K)and e, is water vapor pressure(mb), respectively. 
3-2. Sensible Heat Flux, H 
The one-dimensional bulk resistance equation 
computes the sensible heat flux(H) with the 
surface(T,)-air temperature difference( T,) and 
windspeed(4), i.e., 
H m p Cp(Ts T Ta) 11) 
where D. is the density of air(kg m^), Cp is the specific 
heat of air at constant pressure(=1004.7 J kg! K'!), 75 
is the aerodynamic resistance(sm’!). 7, can be computed 
using surface roughness( z,; m), displacement height 
(d ; m) as follows: 
si-de 2,)/ z, Y, 
where K is the von-Karaman's constant(= 0.4), Z is the 
measurement height(m). The surface roughness and 
displacement height were can be estimated using canopy 
height(Brutsaert, 1982). 
3-3. Soil Heat Flux, G 
The empirical data has shown that there is a reasonable 
relationship between the ratio G / RA? and. normalized 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996

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