Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

regions. On data base of mid and low resolution 
it is possible to compile various thematic maps 
at scales 1:1,000,000 and 1:2,000,000. 
The particular regions for surveying will be 
defined only after orbit corrections and strongly 
depend on transmission ability. But it is clear 
that in parallel two kinds of surveying will be 
performed, namely, surveying of local regions 
(10x10°), and global surveying in various 
spectral bands. In the first case the main problem 
is a selection of local region because the total 
surveying with high resolution is not possible. 
For this purpose it is necessary to use Catalog of 
perspective sites for Mars scientific exploration 
(Greeley, 1990). This Catalog has about 100 
Mars landing sites provided with descriptions 
and photomosaics. But often for detailed 
investigation it is necessary to have large scale 
images and corresponding maps. 
In the second case it is possible to plan a 
compilation of global maps and maps of some 
interesting regions in small and mid scales. For 
planning this part of work it is necessary to 
remind shortly the present state of Mars 
cartographic study. 
Within the recent years there have appeared a 
number of detailed reviews dedicated to various 
aspects of the Mars cartographic state of study 
(Blunck, 1993; Neukum and Tarnopolsky, 1990; 
Greeley and Batson, 1990; Atlas..., 1992). The 
results of an attempt to briefly sum up the data 
about cartographic support of Mars are given in 
the Table 1. 
It results from the Table that there are still no 
maps on large scales (1:25,000; 1:10,000; 
1:5,000) even for separate sites, and the number 
of maps on middle scales (1:500,000: 
1:250,000) is very limited. The analysis of the 
catalog of potential sites for spacecraft landing 
on Mars (Greeley, 1990) has showed that the 
majority of the selected sites is not provided by 
the maps on middle and large scales. Regarding 
the mathematical basis of maps, at the present 
time a sphere of the radius 3,393.4 km or a 
spheroid with the polar radius 3,375.8 km and 
the equatorial radius of 3,393.4 km, are used as 
the reference surface for Mars. The Airy-0 
crater serves as the coordinate origin. The refer- 
ence system for longitudes has been accepted 
Map scales Number of USA Russia Other 
map sheets countries 
1:50,000,000 1 - + - 
1:31,770,000 1 + - - 
1:25,000,000 e * * - 
1:23,500,000 1;6 - - Germany, England 
1:20,000,000 2d - + Swiss 
1:15,000,000 3 + - - 
1:5,000,000 30 + - - 
1:2,000,000 140 + - - 
Miscellaneous special 
1:5,000,000 2:2 + + - 
1:2,000,000 3:1 * + - 
1:1,000,000 271 * * - 
1:800,000 3 - + - 
1:500,000 109;4 + + - 
1:250,000 7 + - - 
Table 1. State of Mars mapping. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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