Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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Li Qingquan 
Li Deren 
Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping 
39 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430070 
Commission Ill, Working Group III/IV 
KEY WORDS: Three-dimensional, GIS, Data structure, Octree, Tetrahedron 
After a review of data structures in 3-D GIS, a hybrid data structure based on Octree and Tetrahedral Network (TEN) is 
presented and a concept of 3-D GIS based on hybrid data structure is introduced in this paper. The problems about 
generation of data structure, data organization, data conversion and application are discussed. 
In most geoscience applications, geometric information in 
vertical direction is needed. It has the same significance 
with horizontal extent such as in air pollutión monitoring. 
However, in conventional 2-D GIS, it is usually 
abstracting vertical information as an attribute such as 
elevation data in DTM, then spatial manipulation and 
analysis are carried out. If more than one observation are 
taken in a vertical direction such as sampling data in 
natural resource exploration along a vertical drilling, 2-D 
GIS is difficult to process. A system that has ability of full 
three-dimensional (3-D) manipulation and analysis is 
required. Also, there has requirement of 3-D GIS in oil 
exploration, mining, meteorology, hydrogeology, 
geological modeling, environmental monitoring, civil 
engineering, etc. Now, attention is focusing on the design 
and implementation of 3-D GIS, in a range of 
geoscientific application areas[ Raper and Kelk, 1991]. 
Within research works of 3-D GIS, data model and data 
structure is one of the key problems. Before recent 
years, most results based on CAD models, such as 
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG), Boundary 
Representation (BR), and made some modifications and 
extentions. It is obviously that CAD system cannot readily 
be applied to geoscience modeling. It is different from 
GIS in many aspects. 
Despite lots of new results have been made by 
researchers over the world [Molenaar, 1992; Rongxing Li, 
1994; Xiaoyong C.,1994a]. Due to the complexity of 3-D 
objects and applications, one data structure is difficult to 
satisfy different requirements. There have two methods 
for this problem. One is to develop hybrid data structure. 
The other is to integrate different data structures in one 
System. In this paper, authors present a hybrid data 
structure and a concept of 3-D GIS based on it. 
This paper is organized as follows: 3-D data structures 
are reviewed in Section 2. In Section 3 after a discussion 
of Octree and Tetrahedral Network (TEN), a hybrid data 
structure based on Octree and TEN is presented. A 
concept of 3-D GIS based on hybrid data structure is 
introduced In Section 4. In Section 5 a conclusion of this 
paper and an application experiment are introduced. 
Data structures that can be applied in 3-D GIS are 
divided into two types [Rongxing Li, 1994]. One is based 
on surface representations, include: rectangular grids, 
triangulated irregular network (TIN), BR and parametric 
functions. The other is based on volume 
representations, include: 3-D array, Octree, CSG and 
The former focus on the surface representations of 3-D 
objects such as surface of building and subsurface of 
geology. Representations of 3-D Objects are formed by 
their surface descriptions. These data structures are 
convenient for visualization and updating, but is difficult 
for many spatial analysises such as integral property 
calculation. Within these data structures, rectangular 
grids and TIN are in common used in DTM, which are 
familiar with us. While BR is used, a solid is defined in 
terms of the geometry of its bounding surfaces. Typically 
this is described by polygonal facets, each of which is 
defined by its edges, which are in turn defined by the 
vertices. In geoscience applications, in order to convert 
the observations into BR, the relationships among 
elements must be identified. However, objects in 
geoscience are usually unknown. These relationships are 
difficult to be determined. According to the characteristics 
of BR, therefore, CAD/CAM and engineering are the main 
application fields. Parametric polynomial functions is one 
of the useful method to represent free-form surface. The 
x,y and z Cartesian coordinates become a function of two 
parametries (u,v). An individual surface is described by a 
function P(u,v), where 
P(u,v)=[x(u,v),y(u,v),z(u,v)] (O<u<1,0<v<1) 
Complex surface in geoscience can be subdivided to form 
a contiguous set of patches, each of which is defined 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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