Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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3.2 Tetrahedral Network (TEN) 
TEN has been concerned as a useful data structure in 3- 
D GIS by many researchers for a long time [Raper and 
Kelk, 1991]. It may be a powerful vector structure in 3-D 
GIS. The concept of TEN can be readily formed from 2-D 
TIN. Firstly, 2-D Voronoi is extended to 3-D forming 3-D 
Voronoi, then TEN can be derived from the 3-D Voronoi 
polyhedrons in the same way as deriving TIN from 
Voronoi polygons. TEN is shown in Figure 2 and Table 3 
is a kind of data organization of TEN, in which complete 
3-D spatial topological relations and attribute data are 
Figure 2. Tetrahedral Network (TEN) 
Node Line 
101 X401 Y101 Z 401 a 101,102 
102 X402 Y102 Z102 b 102,103 
103 X403 Yıos Z103 C 101,103 
d 104,103 
104 X104 Y104 Z104 
TN  Segms Tetra1 Tetra2 ATT 
ÆA > X 
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Table 3. Data Organization of TEN 
Comparing with other solid structure, TEN has some 
advantages [Xiaoyong C., 1994b] such as: 
TEN is one of the simplest data structures and 
consists of point, line, area and volume. 
TEN is a linear combination of tetrahedrons, that 
transformation of TEN equals to the combination of 
transformed tetrahedrons. 
TEN not only has advantages of solid structure such 
as rapid geometric transformation but also has 
advantages of BR such as fast topological relations 
TEN is convenient for rapid visualization. During 
display tetrahedrons are arranged depending on 
front/back relations, then drawing from back to front. 
However, TEN is not applied extensively until now 
because of difficulty in generation. Now two algorithms 
are developed. One is based on 3-D Mathematical 
Morphology (MM) and raster-vector hybrid processing 
[Xiaoyong C., 1994b]. The basic idea is that 3-D space is 
represented by 3-D array completely and spatial points 
are represented by voxels after a vector to raster 
conversion, then sequential dilation algorithm in MM is 
used to form 3-D Voronoi polyhedrons from which TEN is 
derived. The other is based on 3-D Distance 
Transformation (DT) [ Morakot Pilouk, etal. 1994]. 
Distance Transformation that was introduced by 
Borgefors,G. [1984,1986] has been used in construction 
of 2-D TIN [Tang, L., 1992]. The difference between 
these two algorithms is dilation algorithm in MM or 3-D 
Distance Transformation used. 
3.3 Hybrid Data Structure 
According to the discussion in last two parts, we can find 
that storage space increases rapidly along with the 
increasement of an resolution in Octree so that the 
resolution cannot be in a high level. Also, Octree is an 
approximate representation forever. However, Octree has 
simple structure and convenient for spatial analysis such 
as integral property computation and visualization. At the 
same time, TEN has ability to represent object accurately 
and describe complicated spatial topological relations 
completely. Also, original obsverations are stored. But 
TEN is difficult to be erected and has complicated 
structure, and in some cases large storage space is 
In this paper, authors present a hybrid data structure 
based on Octree and TEN which is similar to hybrid data 
structure in DTM [Fritsch and Pfannenestein, 1992]. In 
which Octree and TEN are combined and advantages of 
each are integrated such as a more accurate 
representation of object by hybrid data structure without 
storage space increased. Hybrid data structure is shown 
in Figure 3. Table 4 is a kind of data organization of 
hybrid data structure. 
Within hybrid data structure, Octree used as whole 
description and TEN as part description. A special 
attribute of Octree is used to integrate Octree and TEN 
together, which is "SX" in Table 4, where "S" is an 
identification and "X" is a pointer. If attribute of an Octree 
code is "SX" such as "73" in Table 4, it implies that a part 
TEN is connected with this Octree code and pointer can 
be used to find TEN data in TEN structure. On the other 
hand, eight vertices of the cube which is represented by 
the Octree code can be got easily such as (3,3,2) and 
(3,4,2) in Figure 4, then TEN structure in this cube is 
established by these vertices and feature points such as 
201 and 202 in Figure 4. The realization of hybrid data 
structure increases the adaptability of 3-D data structure. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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