Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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Depending on geometric characteristics, 3D objects can be 
described by two groups of geometric representations, namely, 
surface-based and volume-based representations (Li, 1994). 
The surface-based 3D representations describe geometric 
characteristics of objects by surface entities. There are four 
types of them, namely, grids, shape models, facet models, and 
boundary representations. Grids and shape models are in raster 
format and the facet models and boundary representations are 
in vector format. In general, the grids, shape models and facet 
models are suited for describing object surfaces with irregular 
shapes; while boundary representations give the exact surface 
geometry of objects with regular shapes. 
Volume-based representations describe the interior of objects 
by using the solid information instead of surface information. 
With these representations, the solid information of objects can 
be presented, analyzed and visualized. 3D binary arrays, needle 
models, octrees and CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) 
belong to this group. CSG is in vector format. Generally 
speaking, 3D binary arrays, needle models and octrees are 
capable of modeling objects with irregularly shaped objects; 
while CSG is well suited for modeling regularly-shaped 
Most of the data structures mentioned above, to some extent, 
are characterized by a restricted domain of representable 
objects, due to the fact that the objects are constructed from a 
limited number of mathematically well-defined surfaces or 
solid primitives (Meagher, 1982). For example, surface-based 
representations may suffer from inefficiency when geometric 
and Boolean operations are of high priority. 
Being an extension of a 2D quadtree, an octree models 3D 
volumetric objects by recursively subdividing the object space. 
An object is represented by the root node in the form of a cube, 
which is then subdivided into eight octants to form the first 
level of the tree. Octants that are not entirely occupied by the 
object are called partial octants and are further subdivided to 
smaller octants until each suboctant is either empty, fully 
occupied by the object, or until the desired resolution is 
reached. Extended octrees can model objects of any shapes 
(Laurini and Thompson, 1992). The storage requirement of 
octrees is much low in comparison to traditional raster 
methods. Octree remains also advantageous because of its 
raster structure and efficient geometric and Boolean operations 
based on spatial indexing and relational operations. 
Furthermore, multi-resolution modeling is another important 
characteristic of octrees. 
Kavouras and Masry (1987) applied the octree method in a 
geological environment. They demonstrated the use of linear 
octrees for storing a model of a gold ore deposit, using a 
System called Daedalus. Algorithms for octree-based geometric 
Operations, such as translation, scaling, rotation, and 
perspective transformation, have been investigated by Jackins 
and Tanimoto (1980), Meagher (1982), and Laurini and 
Thompson (1992). 
In the presented research, octrees are adopted for geological 
Subsurface modeling because of its aboved mentioned 
Indexing methods have a great impact on the efficiency of 
octree based spatial operations. The relative merits of five 
methods, including row, row prime, Hilbert, Morton (or Peano) 
and Gray code, were assessed by Abel and Mark (1990). It was 
concluded that the Morton ordering provides a great efficiency 
in window searching and has been used in most linear quadtree 
It is noted that a linear octree, a pointerless structure first 
proposed by Gargantini (1982), locates any node in a tree bya 
unique key which is obtained by interleaving binary 
coordinates of X, Y and Z. This can be implemented by using 
Peano coding. It reduces the amount of storage of octree 
representations and provides an efficient spatial indexing 
method. Spatial geological operations can be developed based 
on Peano keys for geometric operations, Boolean operations 
and visualization. 
The Peano keys can be generated by interleaving binary 
coordinates of (X, Y, Z). For example, an octant with P(O)-14 
has decimal coordinates (1, 1, 2). The corresponding binary 
coordinates are (01, 01, 10) Interleaving the binary 
coordinates in the order of Z, Y, and X for every bit starting 
from lower bits results in the binary Peano key 001110 which 
is 14 in decimal. This nature of the Peano keys makes the 
Storage of Peano keys compact and the conversions between 
Peano keys and coordinates very efficient. In addition, 
neighbourhood searching in a Peano encoded octree is efficient 
because of the characteristics of the N curve (Laurini and 
Thompson 1992). An octant with a Peano key of P and a size of 
S is expressed as O(P, S). 
Peano coding has been chosen for implementing octrees in this 
project due to its efficiency in storage and spatial indexing, 
inheritance of relationships with spatial geometry and its 
capability of preserving spatial contiguity. Out of a number of 
subsurface oriented algorithms, two particular ones based 
directly on the Peano keys are presented in this paper. The first 
algorithm is used for cutting an octree representation by a 
plane with any orientation. The second one performs a 
geological datum adjustment. 
3.1 Plane cutting algorithm based on Peano codes 
One of the important operations in the geological subsurface 
modeling is to build a fence diagram along a defined path on 
the subsurface model. The geologists are then able to visualize 
the profiles along the fence diagram and analysis the 
subsurface structures. 
The basic component and a simplified case of the above- 
mentioned operation is to define a cutting plane on the 
subsurface model and to remove the front part of the model so 
that the user is able to visualize the profile along the cutting 
plane. An algorithm is developed to perform this function on 
the octree representation of the subsurface model based 
directly on the Peano codes. To explain the algorithm, the two 
dimensional case (quadtree representation) is used. The plane 
cutting algorithm is simplified to the line cutting. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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