Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Figure 1 shows a quadtree representation with three levels. 
Each smallest quadrant is labeled with its corresponding Peano 
code. A cutting line is defined as Ax + By + C = 0. For each 
cutting line, we get the slope K from the equation as K = -A/B. 
We further decompose K to the x-component Kx = 1 (or -B/A) 
and y-component Ky = -A/B (or 1). 
211 23] 29] 311.53] 551.61] 63 
20) 22] 28] 30| 52| 54] 60} 62 
A N % 
17] 19] 25] 27] 49] 51] 57] 59 
16] 18] 24 | 26| 48] 50] 56] 58 
13 15| 37 | 39-75) 47 
N &%ü + 
9 | 11| 33] 35] 411 43 
4 | 6-17] 14| 36| 38| 44| 46 
8 | 10] 32]| 34| 40] 42 
© 1 2 3 4 5 6G. .a X 
Figure 1 Line Cutting on a Quadtree Representation 
For each cutting line, the intersecting points with the boundary 
of the quadtree representation are determined. The Peano 
codes of those intersecting points can then be calculated simply 
by interleaving the x and y coordinates. Once we get the two 
intersecting points, the next step is to search for those 
quadrants along the cutting line. The final step is to remove the 
front quadrants. 
1) Determine the intersecting points 
In Figure 1, the cutting lines l; is defined as: 
li: x -4y* 8 7 0, K=-AB=1/, 
Kx, K,=-A/B= 1/4. 
The binary expressions of K, and K, are K, = 01 @, Ky = 2” (10) 
= 0.01 o Ko, is then the interleaving of Kx and Ky, Kp) = 
10.0001 o. 
Note the calculation of Ky is different because decimal digits 
are involved. We use the 2" components to express the decimal 
part. If n = -1, we set a 1 at the first digit after the decimal 
point of binary number. If n = -2, we set a | at the second digit 
after the decimal point. This is similar for the subsequent 
digits. The order of interleaving for the decimal part is the 
same as for the integer part. 
The starting intersecting point of the line with the boundary x 
= 0 is Pi (0, 2). 
2) Determine the Peano code for the starting quadrant 
Once we have the starting intersecting point, the next step is to 
calculate the Peano code for the starting quadrant. 
Let PC[0] denote the Peano code for the staring quadrant of the 
line. We could then calculate PC[0] by interleaving the x- and 
y-coordinate. For example, for point P; (0, 2) 
x70 97000 
PC[0] 20100 $7 4 (10) 
3) Search for the quadrants along the cutting line 
To search for the remaining quadrants along the cutting line, 
we have to use the information about x- and y-components of 
the slope. To propogate from one point to its next point along 
the cutting line, the following equation is used: 
PC[i] * PC[i-1] o + K o. 
To demonstrate the usage of the above equation, the searching 
procedure along 1; is shown as follows: 
PC[0] =4 (10) = 0100 Q) 
=01l 10.0001 @ = 6.06 qo 
In the above binary addition, if an increment occurs at a digit 
of x-component, then it will pass the increment to the higher 
digit of x-component, instead of the next direct digit. The same 
holds for y-components. 
If the resulted Peano code is not an integer, the integer part is 
used as the code of the linear quadtree. The decimal part is 
kept for searching further quadrants along the cutting line. 
=11 00.01 002 = 12.2509 
PC[3] 2 PC[2]1100.010059 * 10.000 1o 
=1110.0101w= 143100 
PC[4]2 PC[3]1 110.0101909*10.000 1o 
-100101.000090 7 3700 
PC[5] - PC[4] 320010 1.000 055 10.000 1o) 
=100111.000 17 = 39.06 (10) 
PC[6] -PC[5] 1000111.000 159 * 10.000 1o) 
2101101.01009 245.5 qo 
PC[7] 2PC[6]1 01101.01005 10.000109 
=101111.0101@ =4731 ao 
Consequently, the Peano codes in the list are 4, 6, 12, 14, 37, 
39, 45 and 47. 
Once all the Peano codes along the cutting line are detected, 
the front quadrants can be removed. 
3.2 Datum adjustment algorithm based on Peano codes 
Datum adjustment is an operation in subsurface modeling to 
stretch the bottom surface of a layer So to a plane. The top 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
3) C 
1) / 

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