Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

The presented system aims at 3D subsurface modeling to 
improve oil, gas, and mining explorations. Subsurface data are 
loaded into the system as 3D multi-layers. For each grid point 
on the x-y plane, depth values of top and bottom surfaces of 
each layer are registered in the z direction to form the 
geometric description of the subsurface layers to which layer 
attributes are attached. Efficient data structures and modeling 
tools are provided for visualising, analysing, and managing the 
3D geological subsurface data. The system is developed in C 
programming language and based on a strong Graphics Library 
package which takes advantages of hardware of Silicon 
Two modelers coexist in the system: a surface modeler and an 
octree modeler. The surface modeler is used to convert the 
input data into a surface model according to the top-bottom 
layer-surface information; while the octree modeler transforms 
the same data into an octree model if necessary. Since the 
surface model and the octree model depict the same objects by 
using surface and solid geometric information respectively, the 
efficiency of modeling functions based on these two models is 
also different (L1 1994). For example, the surface model gives 
a relatively realistic shaded surface for visualisation because 
subtle normal vector changes of the surfaces can be 
represented. This is especially important when the lighting 
function is used. On the other hand, octants have six faces 
which, in turn, give only six normal vectors parallel to three 
principal axes. If the resolution of the octree model is set as the 
same as that of the input data, there is no loss of geometric 
information in the resulting octree model. However, the 
graphic quality of the octree model display is not comparative 
to the realistically shaded surface model because of the 
restriction of normal vector directions. Furthermore, layer- 
related topology can be constructed in surface models. 
One of the major advantages of octree models is efficient 
Boolean operations because of the simple geometry and 
topology of octants. If encoded by Peano keys (Laurini and 
Thompson 1992), some spatial operations can be carried out at 
the bit level. In this system, octree models are, therefore, used 
to perform 3D spatial operations for analysis and simulations. 
Consequently, the system maintains two kinds of models for 
the same loaded object, namely the surface model for 
visualisation and the octree model for spatial operations. 
Since most spatial operations are based on the octree 
representation the efficiency of octree operations often 
determines system responses to users requests. In special cases 
of geological subsurface modeling with large layer datasets, 
this is especially true. Among others, one of the critical and 
frequently used basic spatial operations is finding neighbour 
octants for a given octant. An application of this basic function 
in subsurface modeling could be to find all octants on the 
surface, for example, for a conversion from an octree to a 
surface model. Surface boundary lines can then be extracted 
from the boundary octants. The same basic function is also 
used in the operations to cut a subsurface model by a plane or a 
half cylinder face so that the intersection profile of the solid 
surface model is exposed for material queries and geological 
interpretations (Li and Xu, 1995). Figure 4 shows one of the 
examples in geological subsurface modeling. "Fences" are 
interactively defined on a 3D subsurface model. Spatial 
operations are required to perform the intersection between the 
"fence" (multi-planes) and the model. The front part of the 
model is then removed so that the defined profile can be 
visualised. In light of the above facts, it is necessary to develop 
an efficient algorithm for finding boundary octants in order to 
support quick system responses to users' octree-based requests. 
This project has been supported by the Geological Survey of 
Canada and the National Sciences and Engineering Research 
Council of Canada (NSERC). 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
pp. 12

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