Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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Christoph Lüken 
Institute for Photogrammetry and Engineering Survyes, University of Hannover, Germany 
Nienburger Straße 1, D-30167 Hannover 
email: lueken@ipi.uni-hannover.de 
Commission IV, Working Group 1 
KEY WORDS: GIS, Environment, Planning, Environmental Quality. 
This paper describes the development of a tool to make quality estimations for the environment of regions or a whole 
town area. UQUADO is a tool to standardise an interpretation to an equal cartographic output. It is completely 
developed in AML (Arc Macro Language) with Arc/Info (ESRI). The aim of UQUADO is to combine different special field 
data to give the possibility to make declarations about the quality of areas for planning purposes. 
Cet article décrit le développement d’un instrument pour faire des estimations de qualité de la nature d'un région ou une 
ville. UQUADO est un outil pour standardiser un interprétation à une unitaire cartographique édition. Le programme est 
complètement développé à AML (Arc Macro Language) avec Arc/Info (ESRI). Le but de UQUADO est de combiner 
différentes informations spatiales pour donner la possibilité de faire des déclarations de la qualité des régions pour des 
Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die Entwicklung eines Werkzeuges für Umweltbewertungen einer Region oder einer ganzen 
Stadt. UQUADO ist ein Werkzeug, um die Interpretation in einer einheitlichen kartographischen Ausgabe darzustellen. 
Es ist vollständig in AML (Arc Macro Language) unter Arc/Info (ESRI) entwickelt worden. Das Ziel von UQUADO ist, 
verschiedene Raumdaten zu kombinieren und die Möglichkeit zu geben, Aussagen über die Umweltqualität von Flächen 
für planerische Zwecke zu machen. 
For planning purposes detailed knowledge of the The map of environmental quality chart is based on the 
environment is necessary. In the past precaution of ‘Handbook for environmental estimations' 
environmental resources played only a secondary part. 
Nowadays a more sensibility against environmental 
questions has grown up several systems in this sector. 
Since nearly ten years the town of Dortmund deals with 
environmental questions. Besides the introduction of the 
environmental information system Dortmund (UDO) 
different reports have been elaborated, which is for 
example the handbook for environmental estimation. 
One aim of the administration of Dortmund is to set up an 
environmental plan of precaution for the whole town area. 
The base forms the map of environmental quality which 
can directly be derived from the handbook for 
environmental estimations. 
À long term aim is to cover the whole town area. To do 
this in an operational form it is only possible with 
Computer support. Therefore the methodical concept is 
transformed to a Geographic Information System (GIS) 
and a user friendly graphical interface (GUI) was 
[Schemel/Langer/Baumann, 1990], a concept and aid for 
environmental planning and the examination of the 
ecological harmless. In this concept the description level 
is distinguished from the estimation level. With this 
method it is now possible to 
* order and simplify the features for description and 
rating, that a classification is practical and accurate, 
e to put the criterion for the description and rating in a 
concrete spatial form, 
e to fence off units of volume as reference base, 
e to form the process of the estimation of the 
environmental situation and quality transparent and 
comprehensive for the user. 
The main basis for the development of the ‘Map of 
environmental quality of Dortmund’ are the following 
methodical concepts: 
e list of units of volume 
e catalogue of environmental criterion 
e forms 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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