Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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others treated the problem from the general photogrammetric 
triangulation point of view by extending to several longer 
strips and using all three-line images. We have restricted our 
work to single stereo scenes formed by the two fore and aft 
stereo channels. As the spatial movement of the camera over 
relatively short segments may be assumed reasonably deter- 
ministic and stable, orbit and attitude has been modelled by 
simply describing the six orientation parameters as second or 
third degree polynomials in time. The functional approach to 
kinematic interior and exterior orientation and the theory be- 
hind the photogrammetric adjustment and stochastic model of 
the utilized constrained collinearity equations is described in 
detail in (Dorrer et al., 1995a). 
We developed a program package, denoted ORIMOMS, writ- 
ten in C, which enables the determination of kinematic exter- 
ior orientation of a MOMS-02 stereo scene from measured 
image coordinates of a sufficiently large number of tie and 
ground control points (Dorrer et al., 1995a). ORIMOMS is 
imported in Zeiss' Planicomp analytical plotter data base man- 
agement software PHOCUS and may thus be called within 
MOMS (see next section), but can also be utilized as stand- 
alone version. It identifies the type of spheroidal map coordi- 
nates (e.g. UTM) of the given ground control and performs a 
transformation to a topocentric cartesian system local to the 
current stereo scene. On a SGI R4000, processing time for 
ORIMOMS with some 100 model points requires less than 30 
seconds. Experience so far shows that in order to minimize 
model parallax, tie points must be selected in insufficiently 
controlled areas. This is mainly caused by high correlation 
between some of the orientation parameters and could be rela- 
xed by employing a different functional model. 
Analytical stereorestitution of MOMS-02 hardcopy images 
with analytical plotters is supposed to function under the same 
basic software system used for the compilation of "normal" 
metric frame photogrammetry underlying perspective geome- 
try. A software package, denoted MOMS, has been developed 
enabling precision 3D-restitution of MOMS-02 stereo scenes 
on the Planicomp P-series analytical plotters of Zeiss. Basis is 
a real-time program module running in background mode un- 
der VMS on VAXstation or UNIX on Silicon Graphics Indigo 
as host. Considering the typical kinematic imaging geometry 
for linear array sensors, MOMS has been rigorously integrated 
in the latest version of the photogrammetric restitution soft- 
Ware system PHOCUS (Fig. 2). 
i  Planicomp Driver : 
Figure 2: Experimental MOMS software integration into 
PHOCUS environment. 
Several necessary or useful interactive functions are available, 
e.g. determination of interior orientation; determination of 
exterior (absolute) orientation via the program ORIMOMS, 
unless already known from external sources; semi-automated 
mono- or stereoscopic measurement of image points; 3D- 
measurement of model points and contours; transformation of 
object coordinates between different mapping systems 
(presently UTM, Gauss-Krüger, Spheroidal, Geocentric, To- 
pocentric). The influence of earth curvature on elevation con- 
tour lines as well as geometric nonlinearities of the individual 
CCD-lines (Dorrer, et.al., 1995c) may be considered by real- 
time corrections within MOMS. 
Since the size of analog pictures on the Planicomp stages is 
limited to 230 by 230 mm, particular emphasis must be placed 
on a simple way of extracting specifically defined stereo 
measurement scenes from the original image data format. For 
this reason, a separate, interactive program package, 
MOMS GIID, running under UNIX and VMS on workstations 
equipped with X11-libraries, has been developed. It contains 
several useful functions permitting direct on-line access to line 
and frame header information of the image data, e.g. image 
roaming and zooming, simple image enhancement, specifica- 
tion of individual stereo scene formats, image data output for 
the production of hardcopies on a precision filmwriter, etc. 
For a detailled description of the main features of the entire 
software package see (Dorrer et al., 1995b) 
In essence, two larger experiments were performed with data 
taken over the Andes in Bolivia (orbit 115) and the Out-Backs 
in Australia (orbit 75b). AII image and stereomodel measure- 
ments were carried out in a Planicomp P2 analytical plotter on 
diapositives with 40 mikron pixel size yielding 1:337,500 
image scales for channel 6/7 stereoscenes (ground resolution 
13.5 m). The diapositives were produced on a Cirrus LC- 
3000 Laser filmwriter at GAF Image Processing Services. 
While ground control for the Bolivia scene could only be deri- 
ved from an old 1:50,000 topographic map, the Australia 
scene was fully controlled by over 50 GPS-determined ground 
points with sub-decimeter accuracy (Fraser et al., 1996). 
Therefore, trustworthy accuracy assessment results, to be 
discussed in the sequel, could only be expected from the Aus- 
tralia scene. 
The Australia scene covers a fairly flat and featureless terrain 
in the Lake Nash/Georgina River area of the southeast Nor- 
thern Territory. Maximum elevation differences are below 
80m. Even though ground control was referred to man-made 
features, e.g. corners of small dam sites, intersections of 
country roads or fence lines, centers of water holes, point 
identification in the imagery turned out to be nontrivial. See 
also (Fraser et al., 1996) for details. Stereoscopic interpreta- 
tion and identification proved extremely helpful, and must be 
strongly recommended for future work. In the course of de- 
termining the kinematic exterior orientation with ORIMOMS, 7 
control points had to be rejected for obvious gross errors. 
Some of these could be corrected due to misinterpretation and 
were reconsidered. Together with 41 measured tie points, the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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