Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Hiroshi Masaharu, Sakae Matsumoto, Hidekazu Hoshino 
Geographical Survey Institute, Japan 
Yutaka Ohsawa 
Saitama University, Japan 
Yoichi Oyama, Nobuhiko Ogino, Hiroyuki Shimizu 
Association of Precise Survey and Applied Technology, Japan 
Commission IV, Working Group 3 
KEYWORDS: Change Detection, Land Use, Revision, Updating, Mapping, DEM/DTM, Matching, Softcopy Photogrammetry 
It is necessary for map revision work to find out land use changed areas from aerial photos. Several attempts utilizing computer 
processing of digital aerial photo images have been made and examined aiming at increasing efficiency of change detection. Among 
them, three methods and their results are reported in the paper. One is to compare old and new DEMs derived from automated stereo 
matching. It was possible to detect new construction of houses. But further study is required to apply the method to various change 
patterns. Another method is to pick up roads by color classification of color aerial photos. By comparing the results of road 
extraction, new roads could be visualized. The third method is to use existing digital map data to mask out unnecessary area from 
aerial photo image and thus to enhance the efficiency of manual change detection. Some increase of efficiency was observed but with 
the slight increase of omissions of detection. Further elaboration is required for practical application of these methods. It is 
considered that combination of multiple data sources together with effective combination of multiple methods is necessary for 
Digital cartographic data corresponding to large scale maps 
such as 1:2,500 have been prepared in many municipalities in 
Japan nowadays. The wider the covering area grows, the more 
the needs to update digital maps are recognized. To increase the 
efficiency of revision work of digital cartographic data is one of 
the most important research target in mapping technology. On 
the other hand, digitized aerial photo image has become readily 
available owing to the development of digital photogrammetric 
instruments. This situation motivates us to develop techniques 
of automated digital map revision through computer processing 
using newly taken aerial photo images. However image 
understanding of aerial photos by computer is still challenging 
field of research and complete automation do not seem to be 
accomplished in near future. Therefore we set up our research 
target as change detection from aerial photo data to help works 
of human operators. Several attempts have been made in this 
research project. Some of the results are described in detail in 
the paper. 
The methods so far tried can be classified as follows: (1) to limit 
possible candidates of changed areas by comparing the results 
of some kind of classification obtained through digital image 
processing of aerial photos of two different time; (2) to increase 
efficiency by limiting the area to be examined by human 
Operator using existing digital cartographic data; (3) To enhance 
operator’s visual recognition with various digital image 
processing to aerial photos. As for the class (1), we tried and 
examined many methods, such as a method to use height 
information obtained through automatic stereo matching, a 
method to classify possibility of change with correlation 
coefficient between aerial photo image of two different times, a 
Classification method using color information of color aerial 
photos, comparison of power spectrum of land use patterns after 
Fourier transform and so on. Regarding the class (2), masks 
corresponding to roads and existing houses were made from 
digital cartographic data and were overlaid on new aerial photos 
so as to help to detect newly constructed houses. Various edge 
detection and edge enhancement methods including emboss 
filtering have been applied and compared in the class (3). 
Digital photogrammetric instruments are nowadays becoming 
popular. They have capability to produce minute DEMs (digital 
elevation models) by automatic matching of stereo pair aerial 
photos. The differénce of DEMs derived from old and new 
photos are used as the indication of change. 
2.1 Method 
2.1.1 Test site and used materials and system: The test site 
was chosen in Fukuyama city, Japan where aerial photos of 
1987 (1:12,500 Color) and 1994 (1:25,000 B/W) are 
available as well as an old map of 1987 on a scale of 1:2,500. 
The test site is shown in Figure 1 (Map) and Figure 2 
(Orthophoto). The digital photogrammetric system used here is 
named PyramidStereon (Oyama, 1996) which is composed of a 
personal computer, stereo viewing system, peripheral devices, 
and software. 
2.1.2 Method: Aerial photos are scanned in 50 um sampling 
interval for old photos and in 25 um for new photos 
respectively, both corresponding to 0.625 m on the ground. 
DEMs with 2.5 m grid interval were generated from both the 
photos by stereo matching. DEM was also generated from 
contour lines of the 1:2,500 topographic map. Another DEM 
from old aerial photos was made by a human operator using an 
analytical stereo-plotter. The height on the roofs or tree tops 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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