Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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Victor Mesev 
ESRC Research Fellow, Department of Geography, University of Bristol, University Road, Bristol, BS8 1SS, United Kingdom 
Commission IV, Working Group 1 
KEY WORDS: Classification, Modeling, Urban, Integration 
This paper lies at the interface between remote sensing, GIS, and spatial analysis. By developing an integrated framework, this 
interface can be used to generate detailed and frequently updated measurements and classifications of urban land coverages, as well 
as extensive measurements and models of urban change. Specifically, the classification is a Bayesian-modified maximum-likelihood 
decision rule, with a priori probabilities determined by GIS data, and the models of urban change are fractal-based measurements of 
residential development and fractal-based measurements of density profiles. All of which, when integrated and applied to the 
settlement of Norwich, in the United Kingdom, reveal insightful patterns within urban morphologies and detail repercussions on 
urban density arising from the residential configuration and effects of physical and planning constraints. The data is a single 
Landsat 5 (TM) image, together with population and housing data from the UK Population Censuses of 1991. This work is an 
important contribution to the advancement of integrated data handling and analysis systems, as well as providing a means to 
examining and understanding the complex arrangement of urban structures and processes. 
The importance of monitoring urban areas is indisputable. 
With nearly 90% of the European population now living in 
areas designated as built-up urban’ there is a tremendous need 
for vital information on understanding how cities expand, 
contract and develop. Specifically, there is a need to monitor 
and analyse population shifts, employment restructuring, and 
the layout of residential morphologies. The formulation of 
national monitoring, management, and planning policies needs 
to be based on precise and accurate source data. Effective 
mapping of the structure of urban areas is an essential baseline 
component to the assessment of the general structure and 
sustainability of settlements. In conjunction, a statistical 
framework is vital in revealing more objective measurements of 
urban configuration, as well as comparisons of how these urban 
structures change both across space and through time. 
Remote sensing has long been recognized as an important 
technology for reproducing ‘snap-shot’ observations of the 
Earth’s surface and atmosphere. In the observation of urban 
areas, satellite sensor data have allowed extensive areal 
coverage at consistent and readily updateable intervals. Given 
its rapid retrieval and global availability, satellite remote 
sensing is an ideal means for producing measurements from 
which to monitor various aspects of urban dynamism, 
particularly at the regional scale (examples in Lo, 1986; and the 
recent GISDATA Specialist Meeting ). However, it is also 
common knowledge that because of the complex heterogeneous 
nature of urban surfaces, once the spatial resolution of satellite 
images begin to approach a more local scale, more and more 
pixels become invariably spectrally mixed (Forster, 1985). In 
this paper, some of the problems of urban remote sensing will 
be addressed by exclusive reference to the growing debate on 
Official Journal of the European Communities, C138/52, 
Paragraph 5.5 (1993) 
Conference on *Remote Sensing and urban analysis" given by 
the European Science Foundation, Strasbourg, France, 11 June, 
GIS/Remote sensing integration, in particular the role of GIS in 
image classification. The methodology will hinge upon the 
ability of GIS to handle extraneous, non-spectral data, which 
are then used to determine and vary the a priori probabilities of 
the standard maximum-likelihood (ML) classifier (begun by 
Strahler, 1980). This essentially involves the use of GIS data to 
first stratify urban images according to some spatial and 
contextual rules, and then determine the area estimates of urban 
classes within each stratum. Area estimates are then normalised 
and directly inserted into the ML  classifier as prior 
probabilities, producing accuracy levels above classifications 
simply based on the standard equal prior probability 
assumption. In work elsewhere, favourable results have also 
been generated from area estimates which have been used as 
part of an iterative process for updating ML a posteriori 
probabilities (Mesev et al, 1996). 
Most research treat the classified image as the end product (the 
spectral result) and neglect the wealth of information available 
on the spatial form of classified images. Along with the 
probabilistic modification of the ML classifier, this paper will 
also assess the abilities of fractal geometry to measure and 
summarise the highly irregular spatial patterns of urban land 
cover/use produced by image classification. In a similar vein to 
De Cola's work in 1989, fractal geometry will be used to 
characterise the spatial properties of classified multi- 
dimensional feature space. However, unlike De Cola, the 
derived fractal dimensions will further be used for comparative 
analyses which are designed to evaluate how form and density 
of urban land use vary within settlements. Furthermore, the 
assumption of classified urban classes as being fractal will also 
allow these classes to be represented by cumulative and density 
profiles generated from functions based on fractal-modified 
inverse power relations (see Batty and Kim, 1992; Mesev et al, 
1995 for full description). These urban profiles will provide a 
means with which incremental urban development is precisely 
monitored and will lead to an insight on which urban processes 
may be in operation. It is hoped that remotely-sensed data will 
rejuvenate the role of urban density functions in measuring and 
prescribing changes in urban development (Zielinski, 1979). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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