Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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Pr(w;|X, 24) (3) 
It is also assumed that the effects of z, are external to the 
original generation of the mean vector and covariance matrix of 
w;. As a result the likelihood function Pr(w;|X) is unaltered by 
the introduction of z,, but is simply modified by the conditional 
Pr(w,z, ) (4) 
This is a process of identifying the association between spectral 
class w; with census variable z,. For example, the spectral class 
labelled as “low density residential” would be directly 
associated by a conditional probability with the census variable, 
“detached dwellings". In effect, w, is weighted by the 
probability of z,, producing the prior probability of w,. In the 
example its assumed that the prior probabilities of each of the 
four dwelling types exist in inclusive m-dimensional feature 
space, so that, 
Pr(w;) + Pr(w,) + Pr(w;) + Pr(w,) = 10 
The probability densities d;; — Pr(X]w;), dj; ^ Pr(X]w,), d, = 
Pr(X]w;), dj, = Pr(X{w4), are known for each pixel. Let /,, be 
the shorthand for the posterior probability Pr(w,|X;,z,) that pixel 
i belongs to class w,, and p; as the shorthand for the prior 
probabilities. The Bayesian modified ML is now represented as 
JT dpi 
dipi * dip, * dips * dap, 
Likewise, /; — Pr(w,X;z,), 43 = Pr(wyX;z;) and [, = 
Pr(w4|X,z,) may also be found, and of course, the sum of the 
four posterior probabilities equals 1.0, 
lj = HE LE (6) 
2, dip, 
Empirical Application 
Let’s look at one application of the Bayesian-modified ML 
classifier, the case of the settlement, Norwich in eastern 
England (others may be found in Mesev 1995; Longley and 
Mesev, 1996). The aim was to classify the four residential 
dwelling types from a Landsat 5 (TM) image, taken on the 15th 
July 1989, using census data from the April 1991 UK 
Population Census (the 21 month discrepancy was unavoidable 
and does not represent a period of high residential development 
in eastern England). Norwich is a free-standing medium-sized 
city located on land that is relatively flat and unaffected by 
serious impediment to urban development. 
The image was first geometrically corrected and enhanced 
before classified into a binary distinction of “residential” and 
"non-residential" using training sample selection and 
postclassification sorting based on census probability pseudo- 
surfaces within a GIS (see Mesev 1995: Mesev et al, 1995). 
The "residential" stratum was then exposed to the modified ML 
classifier, with a priori probabilities from the 1991 census 
(figure 1). Before equation (6) could be implemented, a size 
ratio between each relative dwellings type had to be calculated. 
This would help to preserve the relative areal proportions of 
each dwelling type, where for instance “detached” dwellings 
occupy larger areas than “terraced” households. ^ Using 
stereoscopic photographs, 20 samples of dwelling type sizes 
were generated and average relative size ratios between 
dwelling types were constructed. The ratios were 1 detached 
dwelling to 1.5 semi-detached, 1 detached to 2.25 terraced, 1 
semi-detached to 1.5 terraced, and 1 detached to 10 apartments. 
Although these were approximations they are still more realistic 
than assuming absolute linear relationships. 
The results are thematic classifications of the four dwelling 
density types based on maximum a posteriori probabilities. 
together with area estimates. Table 1 quantifies how 
classifications based on adjusted a priori probabilities produced 
areal estimates that were in most cases closer to observed 
census data than classifications assuming equal prior 
probabilities. The Bayesian modified classifier performed best 
for the detached category due perhaps to its larger size on the 
ground and hence least spectrally mixed. The worst category 
was apartments were the estimated size-ratio may not have truly 
been representative. 
The second part of this paper will examine how ideas from 
fractal geometry can be instigated within an urban modeling 
approach. Specifically, the use of fractal geometry, and density 
functions based on fractal properties, to describe and summarize 
the spread of urban development in terms of size, form, and 
density. For this, thematic urban categories generated by image 
classification will be used as the source data. This represents a 
departure from established work where census tract data and 
derived residential data have been the usual baselines for urban 
modeling (summary in Zielinski, 1979; Batty and Xie, 1994). 
It will be argued here that urban data from classified images 
represent the most appropriate source for the measurement of 
fractal properties. More appropriate in the sense that the 
inherent spatial irregularities associated with urban areas and 
assumed as fractal, are represented by classified remotely- 
sensed of varying spatial resolutions that exhibit a similar 
amount of spatial irregularity (De Cola, 1989). 
Estimating fractal dimensions and density functions 
This paper will add support to the contention that cities exhibit 
generalized fractal properties (Batty and Longley, 1994; 
Frankhauser, 1994), and that fractal geometry provides a much 
deeper insight into urban density functions than has so far been 
recognized. In particular, emphasis is given to the ways the 
form of urban development can be linked to its spread and 
development (Batty and Kim, 1992). Measurement in this 
sense is restricted to the manner and rate at which space is filled 
with respect to distance from the CBD (Mesev et al, 1995). 
The suggestion here is that the inverse power function, 
HR) SER? (7) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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