Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

and marking of objects which have to be captured. 
b) Overlaying both types of digital data on the graphics 
screen and comparing the data patch-wise. 
In both cases changes and new objects will be digitized 
directly from the screen using the zoom-function. 
3.5 Use of Stero-Compilation 
Stereo-compilation has already been successfully applied to 
create the DLM/1 for a limited number of capturing untits in 
areas where no others data sources were available. 
Analytical plotters Planicomp P1/P3 with Videomap 
superimposition and a converted analog stereoplotter 
TOPOCART were used for data capturing with the 
PHOCUS-system from Zeiss running on VAX/VMS 
workstations. In comparison with table digitizing the time 
consumption was about 1.5-times higher. However this will 
be compensated since it is not necessary to improve the 
planimetric accruracy of these data. 
PHOCUS was supplemented by an ATKIS-module 
consisting of a working environment (object- and graphics- 
tables) and data conversion programs EDBPHO/PHOEDB 
(from/to the EDBS-format). The data captured with PHOCUS 
were loaded via the EDBS-format into the GIAP-workstations 
for final treatment (e.g. adding administration boundaries and 
topological references for traffic objects crossing by bridges). 
For a fuly ATKIS-compatible data capturing with PHOCUS a 
relational data base (RDB) would have to be attatched to 
Meanwhile the PHOCUS-system has been upgrated to Unix 
workstations and supplemented by a further Planicomp P33. 
Due to problems with the EDBPHO conversion program and 
a decision from Zeiss to stop the support for RDB's a new 
solution had to be developed for updating the DLM 25. It is 
intended to use the Planicomp P3 and P33 as input devices 
for the GIAP-software running on the same workstations as 
PHOCUS. A corresponding driver will be developed at the 
University of Neubrandenburg in cooperation with Zeiss and 
AED Graphics. 
Stereo-compilation for updating and extending the DLM will 
be coupled with the revision of the TK 10 N. This will avoid 
some double work. The workflow is as follows : 
-  B&w aerial photographs 1 : 18,000 will be used for both 
- The TopMD has to prepare non-geometric descriptive 
information for both purposes only once. 
- Detection of changes will be done only once with 
KARTOFLEX map revision instruments for TK 10 N 
- The results from the KARTOFLEX evaluation will be 
examined whether objects of the DLM 25 are affected. 
- If so, these objects can be captured 
a) in case of ‘minor changes directly from the 
topographic revision sheet by table digitizing or 
b) in case of major changes by stereo-compilation with 
analytical plotters. 
- For absolute orientation of the aerial photographs control 
points can be extracted from existing long-term usable 
point fields : 
a) LuPa - about 25 point groups (6 points, mainly roof 
corners) per TK 50 N, with coordinates determined by 
geodetic measurements. 
b) PaTop - about 36 points per TK 10 N, with 
coordinates determined by aerial triangulation. 
- If necessary, the topographic field survey, who has to 
inspect the area of the map sheet anyway, will be 
instructed to check the correct classification of some 
features or collect missing attributes. For this purpose a 
GIAP-workstation will be installed in their cars. 
3.6 Treatment of Buildings 
Within the working group responsible for the content of the 
DLM 25/2 there was a long discussion which types of 
buildings should be included in stage 25/2. Finally the 
AdV-Plenum has decided that integration of all types of 
buildings can be left to a later stage. The most easiest way is 
to extract building from the ALK. In contrast to other state 
survey administrations the LVermA BB intends to include all 
buildings already within realization stage 25/2. 
The following arguments have influenced this decision : 
- One utility company which supplies 1/4 of the state of 
Brandenburg with electricity has established an 
information system with buildings included by photo- 
grammetric stereo-compilation. Other companies are 
planning to do the same. They will change to ATKIS only 
if the DLM will contain buildings. 
- In Brandenburg the cadastral survey offices have started 
in 1992 to establish the ALK. The completition is 
progressing very slowly and will be finished in 2010 or’ 
later. Some local cadastre renewal projects have be 
lauchend but none of them is finished. Therefore it is not 
possible to get a complete coverage of building data from 
this source very soon. 
- For 52 map sheets 1 : 10,000 no topgraphic base 
information is available. These map sheets cover former 
military training areas. If buildings are included 
cartographic presentations derived from the DLM 25 
could serve as temporary substitutes. 
- |nthelong-term it is planned to replace the revision of the 
TK 10 N completely by derivation from the DLM 25. This 
intention is becomming realistic because in the revised 
object catalog for the DLM 25/2 some of the data 
collection criterias (e.g. minimum length, minimum area) 
were changed towards the TK 10. 
For incorporation of buildings into the DLM 25/2 the following 
procedures will be applied : 
- In areas with local cadastre renewal projects the buildings 
will be extracted from the ALK. 
- Existing building data can be bought from utility 
companies if their quality and up-to-dateness is sufficient 
and the price is reasonable. 
- Based on an agreement between different adminis- 
trations b&w aerial photographs 1 : 10,000 will be flown 
in 1996 and 1997 for the whole area of Brandenburg. 
- It is planned to make arrangements with potential users 
to share the costs for stereo-compilation. The compilation 
will be done in contract through private photogrammetry 
companies. A pilot project for 16 map sheets TK 10 N 
south of Berlin has been sucessfully carried out. The 
costs were below 2,- DM per building. 
- In contrast to other objects of the DLM 25 also the 
heights of all building corners shall be stored in the 
ATKIS database. The z-coordinates will be delivered by 
stereo-compilation anyway. Aditional attributes like roof 
type, mean height of the building and highest point above 
sea level will also be captured. This will enable a user to 
create 3D-presentations and 3D-models with adequate 
approximation for simulations and predictions. The 
additional effort for capturing these attributes is not 
useless since future GIS will be able to handle these data 
and demands for 3D-building data will arise. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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