Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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- As a further attribute the function of the building (GFK, 
e.g. dwelling-house, school, church, administration, farm, 
etc.) has to be ascertained. In a first step this attribute will 
be set according to the representation in the TK 10 N. 
Corrections will then be made by local administrations. 
- Discrepancies between the stereo-compilation and the 
TK 10 N concerning missing or additional buildings will be 
clarified by topographic field surveyors if the revision cycle 
for the TK 10 N reaches the corresponding area. At this 
stage also further corrections for the attribute GFK will be 
made. After this step the buildings can be stored into the 
ATKIS database. 
If at a later stage the ALK is complete for an area with 
buildings already captured by stereo- compilation only the 
planimetric coordinates and the attribute GFK will be 
replaced by a semi-automatic procedure. The heights 
and other attributes which are not stored in the ALK will 
not be changed. 
3.7 Integration of Relief Information 
Objects of the class "Relief" are already defined in ATKIS-OK 
(e.g. DEM-grid, contour, break line, slope, dike) but the the 
integration into the DLM 25 is left to further stage. 
The LVermA BB has already established a digital elevation 
model (DEM 50, grid width of 50 m x 50 m, height accuracy 
+ 5 m) from digitized contour lines of topographic maps 
1: 50,000. A DEM 25 (grid width 25 m x 25 m, height 
accuracy € 2 m) is currently beeing built-up for digital 
generation of orthophoto maps TK 10 DL. The DEM 25 is 
interpolated from 
- contours digitized from maps 1 : 25,000 and 
- photogrammetricaly ^ captured — geomorphologically 
relevant information like ridge lines, surface edges, 
scarps, ramps and dikes. 
The parameters of the DEM 25 correspond to the ATKIS 
requirements and would allow the integration into the DLM 
The LVermA BB is however currently testing different 
methods for generating a more accurate DEM 10 (grid width 
10 m x 10 m, height accuracy £ 0.5 m) : 
- Digitizing of contours from the TK 10 N, 
- Image matching with TopoSURF, 
- Photogrammetric measurements, 
- Laser-scanning. 
Based on the results of these tests the generation of the 
DEM 10 will be started as soon as the DEM 25 is complete. 
Some proposed semi-automatic updating methods were 
Investigated and their potential and chances for realization 
were judged. 
While methods based on remote sensing or auto-mated 
feature extraction do not promise reliable results within the 
near future, a data exchange with the ALK seems to be 
possible in areas where the ALK reaches a certain 
Also a data exchange with users of the DLM 25 might be 
Possible in a later stage if these users are capable to deliver 
EDBS-formatted updating data sets (e.g. update records 
about changes of road classifications from the road 
Concerning updating of the DLM 25 the German surveying 
and mapping agencies are still in a stage of evaluation or 
testing. The described solutions for the state of Brandenburg 
are based on well known and proven technologies and 
therefore there is no risk that they might fail. A change to 
more sophisticated automated procedures might be possible 
even within the realization phase of the DLM 25/2 (1997 - 
2000) if they prove to be reliable and less costly. 
Krakau, W., 1994. Die groBmaRstablichen topographischen 
Kartenwerke 1 : 10 000 und 1 : 25 000 des Landes Branden- 
burg. Kartographische Nachrichten (KN), 44(2), pp. 45-54. 
Krause, U., 1995. Konzeption des Landesvermessungs- 
amtes NRW zur Fortführung des DLM 25/1 und zur Reali- 
sierung des DLM 25/2. NaKaVerm Nr. 113, pp. 139-145. 
Mischke, A., 1995. Fortführungsmóglichkeiten für das 
Digitale Landschaftsmodell 25 (DLM 25). NÓV NRW Heft 2, 
pp. 131-141 
Harbeck, R. (Ed.), 1994. Das Geoinformationssystem ATKIS 
und seine Nutzung in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung. 
Proceedings of the AdV-Syposium ATKIS at Landesver- 
messungsamt Nordrhein-Westfalen, Bonn-Bad Godesberg. 
Kophstahl, E. & Sellge, H. (Eds.), 1995. Das Geoinfor- 
mationssystem ATKIS und seine Nutzung in Wirtschaft und 
Verwaltung. Proceedings of the 2nd AdV-Symposium ATKIS 
at Hannover. 
AdV, 1989. Amtliches Topographisch-Kartographisches 
Informationssystem ATKIS - Gesamtdoukmentation. Printing 
& Distribution : Landesvermessungsamt Nordrhein-West- 
falen, Bonn Bad Godesberg 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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