Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

In the present environment of " data explo- 
om- sion ", possesion of latest spatial information by 
mi- the scientists, planners and the administrators has 
1ap. become highly relevant for their day-to-day re- 
search, execution and monitoring of develop- 
mental projects / activities. It is in this context that 
updation of the existing maps has become neces- 
sary and meaningful. It is seen that stereo-image- 
ies ries, in combination with aerial photography, 
by may provide a way out for speedy updation which 
at the same time is cost-effective. Data capture in 
respect of roads, village limits, change in river 
courses etc. can be done with ease from satellite 
stereo-imageries and reference to aerial photog- 
raphy may facilitate interpretation of more details 
which otherwise cannot be interpreted if stereo- 
imageries are used in isolation. DEM generated 
from stereo-imageries may be an asset for micro- 
level planning. 
Please regard the colour pages at the end of the volume 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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