Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

plans will suggest preservation, conservation and 
developmental strategies. 
2. Developing an  anticipatory approach to the 
mitigation of the impacts of potential sea level rise 
on coastal ecosystems: The case of the Mangroves - 
Submitted to The Department of Ocean 
Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi 
The study aims at development of changes in the 
mangrove ecosystem, particularly species compo- 
sition, as an indicator of changes occurring in the 
sea level. A secondary objective is the development 
of a method for the use of data products in the 
analysis of changes in the coastal biodiversity. 
3. A project proposal on Integrated Coastal 
Environment stidies have been proposed to be 
undertaken subject to funds being available. 
The goal of the project is to enhance national 
capacity and national action in the conservation and 
sustainable management of coastal mangrove 
wetlands. Remote sensing and Geographic Infor- 
mation System is applied here for creating geogra- 
phic data base, mapping wetland and landuse maps 
for management. This work will be done for the 
states Tamil Nadu, Andra Pradesh and Orissa. 
The recently launched IRS 1C (28th Dec 1995) has three 
different sensors and offers unique applications 
opportunities. The Panchromatic (PAN) camera provides 
data with a spatial resolution of 5.8meters and a ground 
swath of 70 Km. It will operate in the 0.50 - 0.75 microns 
spectral band. This camera can be steered up to + 26 
degrees (upto +398 Kms across the track from nadir) 
which in turn increases the revisit capability to 5 days. 
Linear Imaging and Self scanning sensor (LISS Ill) 
provides multispectral data collected in four bands of the 
visible and near short wave infrared (SWIR) regions. 
While the spectral resolution and swath in the case of 
visible (two bands) and Near infrared (one band) regions 
is about 24 meters and 141 km respectively, they will be 
70.5 m and 148 Km for the data collected in SWIR 
The wide Field Sensor (WiFS) collects data in two 
spectral bands and have a ground swath of 810 Kms, 
with a spatial resolution of 188.3m. The satellite has an 
on - board tape recorder also, capable of recording 
limited amount of specific sensor data. 
Many applications like crop acreage and yield estimation, 
draught monitoring and assessment, flood mapping, 
wasteland identification and mapping, ocean/marine 
resources survey, mineral prospecting, forest resources 
survey etc. have become and excellent tool for effective 
management of India's Natural Resources. Besides this, 
a better understanding of our bio-resources and 
biodiversity studies have become possible to visualise 
possible sources of degradation and enable taking 
possible remedial measures well on time and monitor 
changes. It may be mentioned here that the EOSAT of 
USA has entered into agreement with space department 
of the Government of India, to receive IRS 1C data for 
world-wide distribution of this data. 
M.S. Swaminathan Research Founda-tion, is a unique 
research Institution, concerned with study of biodiversity 
and also rural development to enrich rural population 
and generating employment opportunities, particul-arly of 
enhancing purchasing power of landless rural labour in 
India. Being a non-governmental organisation founded 
by Prof.M.S. Swaminathan, an internationally renowned 
agri-cultural scientist and past Director General of 
International Rice Research Institute and Chairman of 
Governing body of FAO sometime ago, was the first 
world food price winner, (equivalent to Nobel prize) world 
environmental award winner, 1994, and has several 
achievement and awards to his credit. He was the author 
and implementation of green revolution in India, which 
has led India from a country of severe food shortage to 
one capable of even exporting food to other countries. 
The Foundation is active in the area of research on 
sustainable agricultural and rural development, 
organising anticipatory research, ^ women's welfare, 
coastal systems research, research in Biotechnology 
tissue culture and in developing methods to protect the 
endangered plant species and biodiversity in general in 
accordance with Agenda 21 of Rio-conference held in 
1992. In all these activities, use of advanced 
technologies like Remote Sensing, Geographical 
Information Systems, introduction of useful management 
concepts are encouraged with great promise. It is in 
this context this paper has been presented here as 
Remote Sensing and G.I.S. as a tool have high promise 
of integrating various information, both in respect of 
natural resources base as well as socio economic 
| deeply acknowledge my indebted-ness to Prof. 
Swaminathan for his encouragement and support. | also 
acknowledge the help and support that | received from 
Dr. Selvam and Ms. Gnanappazham of the M.S.S.R.F 
and but for their help it would not have been possible to 
prepare this paper. | also acknowledge certain 
information provided by Dr. Ranjit Daniel of this 
Area 100, Coastal Management Studies, Annual Report 
1994 - 95, M.S.Swaminathan Reserach Foundation, 
Madras, India 
Annual Report - 1995 Canadian International 
Development Agency, Canada & M.S.Swaminathan 
Reserch Foundation, India 
Annual report 1994 - 95 M.S.Swaminathan Reserch 
Foundation, India & NORAD 
Indian Remote Sensing Satellite IRS 1C Hand Book, 
1996, Hyderabad, India 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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