For considerably more detail on the current status of map
revision than can be included here, readers are referred
to that article, which was designed to set the scene for
this Congress. However, since that paper is also in
large part a review of Working Group progress during
this session, many of the points made there should also
be emphasised here.
In the digital photogrammetric revolution, as in all
revolutions, forces of reaction are also at work, based in
this case on sound economic and practical grounds. In
the real world of routine production, all technical
processes stand or fall by their cost effectiveness. This
is especially the case with entirely new developments
such as softcopy photogrammetry because of the high
initial investment involved, not only in research and
development and in capital equipment (including the
scanner as well as workstations), but also in staff training
and (most importantly for database revision) in
integration with existing systems. Unless on taking all of
those factors into account digital photogrammetry can do
a better, cheaper or quicker job than existing methods,
the latter must be retained. To justify the change, at
least one, but preferably two or three of those
comparisons must be proved to be favourable.
Moreover, the needs and wishes of map and data users
must be both recognised and embedded into the
implementation of any technical change. It is
encouraging that several of the contributions to this
congress do emphasise these points, when discussing
progress towards their goal of automation. If these
matters are fully appreciated we can move on to consider
current directions in research, and their antecedents.
It is developments in computer science over the past
forty years which have provided the driving force for
development in surveying and mapping, including (or
indeed especially) in photogrammetry. We have moved
from totally analogue optical and mechanical processes,
through the first steps in analytical aerial triangulation in
the 1950s and 1960s, to the late-80s situation in which
the misleadingly named "analytical plotter" had become a
photogrammetric workstation at which a human operator,
assisted by one or more computers, could capture or edit
three-dimensional geometric, topological and semantic
data about the world from collections of high quality two-
dimensional graphic images and. record it in digital
databases (Bonjour & Newby, 1990).
Meanwhile our colleagues developing the newly emerging
discipline of remote sensing were obliged generally to
use digital images transmitted from satellites.
Developments in computer science parallel to those
exploited by surveyors and mappers allowed them to
learn to handle such images. Image processing and
computer vision developed independently of
photogrammetry for the simple reason that
photogrammetrists retained the major advantage of
working with graphic images of very high geometric and
radiometric quality; only very recently have
developments in computer graphics made digital images
worthy of the attention of photogrammetrists. Now there
is a most welcome convergence between
photogrammetry and remote sensing, image processing
and computer vision : for it is clear that photogrammetry
can benefit from existing expertise in digital image
processing, while contributing traditional strengths in the
rigorous understanding and manipulation of the geometry
of image formation.
Benefiting from this convergence, numerous system
vendors now offer softcopy systems capable of handling
many photogrammetric tasks. However the papers at
this Congress demonstrate that database update is a
considerably more complex task than database creation.
Vendors, even if they have grasped this distinction, are
not yet providing ready-made solutions to the update
problem, but it is those who are willing to work closely
with users to integrate revision systems into existing
technical and management structures who will be most
successful in this fundamental future activity.
In the present structure of ISPRS it is clear that
developments in image capture and manipulation belong
to other Working Groups in other commissions.
However, such developments will naturally influence the
directions taken by their eventual users. Thus a review
of aspects of digital photogrammetry relevant to map and
database revision is necessary here. For more detail,
again refer to Newby (1996).
It is not feasible to enter digital photogrammetry half-
heartedly. To justify the investment in a scanner to
convert photographic hard copy images into softcopy it is
necessary to plan to make use of its full capacity. |
would expect one scanner to be able to supply four to six
digital photogrammetric workstations (DPWS) although
there is not yet much practical experience to quote in this
connection. It remains an open question whether it is
necessary to spend the large sums required for a top
quality scanner designed expressly for photogrammetry,
or whether much lower cost systems can give acceptable
results. Certainly it is now recognised that not all
scanners are the same, that even very expensive
scanners may not provide perfect results, and that the
complete digital photogrammetric flowline will depend on
this single crucial component. The importance of this
issue led to the formation of a joint OEEPE-ISPRS
working group on the analysis of photo-scanners.
This group has examined not only the technical
requirements of geometry, resolution, image noise,
dynamic range and so on, but also comfort and
convenience aspects such as the level of automation of
the process and the use of original roll film negatives, as
well as engineering points involving the satisfactory
solution of classical problems of aerial imagery such as
optical distortion, image flatness, vibration and the
avoidance of artefacts. Above all, the results of
scanning must aim to be as good and cheap as a
diapositive! (Kôlbl et al, 1994).
This makes it quite hard for digital photogrammetry to
compete. Photogrammetric operators are now
accustomed to recent improvements in photography such
as forward motion compensation (FMC). FMC not only
allows photography to be flown under conditions which
would in the past have been considered marginal (a
major factor for time-dependent map revision) but it also
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996