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extraction but practical solutions are still some way off.
Database integrity after update is now attracting serious
attention, being helped in practice by the use of the best
tools and the best possible imagery as an aid to
interpretation. — The likely availability of so-called high
resolution satellite imagery in the near future will provoke
further controversy on just how good the image must be
for effective and reliable work, but for large scale
applications the low-flying aircraft will surely remain the
vehicle of choice and will still be assisted by the surveyor
on the ground. This Congress and the next session from
1996 to 2000 should disclose interesting developments in
this very important practical subject.
Finally, because of the present “horizontal” ISPRS
Commission structure (layers of activity from initial data
capture onwards), those who are interested in a
particular “vertical” theme (for example the whole of
topographic mapping from sensor to user) need to be
involved in the affairs of almost all of the Commissions.
It is certain that many papers of interest to participants in
this Working Group and worthy of inclusion in our
sessions will have been submitted to other Groups,
especially in Commissions Il and Ill. | intend to join in
such sessions where the Congress Programme permits,
and | urge my Working Group members to do the same.
Such cross-fertilisation among the present Commissions
is an imperative for sensible progress in our discipline.
This may also eventually persuade ISPRS to adopt a
more logical “vertical” Commission structure for the
organisation in the years to come.
Bonjour, J. D. and Newby, P. R. T., 1990. Architecture
and components of photogrammetric workstations.
Photogrammetric Record, 13(75), 389-405.
Gray, S. (editor), 1995. Updating of complex digital
topographic databases. OEEPE Official Publication
No 30, 133pp.
Greenway, |. 1994. The use of pen computers for
revision of large scale mapping. Presented to 20th FIG
Congress, Melbourne, Commission 5, paper 505.4.,
De Gunst, M.E., Han, C.S.L.A., Lemmens, M.J.P.M. and
Van Munster, R.J., 1991. Automatic extraction of roads
from SPOT images. Proceedings of ISPRS & OEEPE
joint workshop on updating digital data by
photogrammetric methods, Oxford. OEEPE Official
Publication No 27, 131-140.
Heipke, C., 1995. State-of-the-art of digital
photogrammetric workstations for topographic
applications. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote
Sensing 61(1), 49-56.
Kemppainen, H., 1994. Modelling update propagation in
spatial databases. International Archives of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 30(4), 625-633.
Kólbl, O. and others, 1994. Documents of the OEEPE-
ISPRS Joint Workshop on the Analysis of Photo-
Scanners, EPF-Lausanne.
Meister, M. and Dan, H, 1994. Processing of geographic
data for CAAD-supported analysis and design of urban
areas. International Archives of Photogrammetry and
Remote Sensing, 30(4), 433-440.
Monday, H.M., Urban, J.S., Mulawa, D. and Benkelman,
C.A., 1994. City of Irving utilizes high resolution
multispectral imagery for NPDES compliance.
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
60(4), 411-416.
Murakami, H. and Welch, R., 1992. Automatic feature
extraction for map revision. International Archives of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 29(B4), 569-575.
Newby, P.R.T., 1990. Digital map revision at the
Ordnance Survey. International Archives of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 28(4), 146-154.
Newby, P.R.T., 1994. Revision policy and practice for
Great Britains topographic database. International
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 30(4),
Newby, P.R.T., 1996. Digital images in the map revision
process. International Journal of Photogrammetry and
Remote Sensing (in press).
Peled, A., 1994. Revision of digital maps and GIS
databases. International Archives of Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing, 30(4), 268-272.
Plietker, B., 1994. Semi-automatic revision of street
objects in ATKIS database DLM 25/1. International
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 30(4),
Sakoda, B, 1993. Computer-assisted tracing of faint
roads on satellite images. Proceedings of the
ACSM/ASPRS Spring Convention, New Orleans, Vol 2,
Solberg, R., 1992. Semi-automatic revision of
topographic maps from satellite imagery. International
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,
29(B4), 549-556.
Stirling, D.M., 1995. Review of the use of digital
workstations in the UK. Technical meeting of the
Photogrammetric Society, London, 24 October 1995.
(To appear in Photogrammetric Record, 1996).
Vincent, G.N. and Logan, I.T., 1995. Ordnance Survey
policy and practical implications for the revision of rural
mapping. Technical meeting of the Photogrammetric
Society, London, 21 March 1995. (To appear in
Photogrammetric Record, 1996).
Welch, R., 1992. Photogrammetry in transition -
analytical to digital. Geodetical Info Magazine, 6(7),
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996