Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Satellite Atlas of the Czech Republic 
NOVÄGEK Vitezslav, Institute of Geonics, Branch Brno, Drobného 28, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic 
KOLEJKA Jaromír, Masaryk University, Kotlárská 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic 
ZALOUDÍK Jiií, Institute of Landscape Ecology, Na sádkách 7, 370 05 C. Budéjovice, Czech Republic 
Commission IV, Working Group IV/2 - International Mapping from Space 
Key Words: satellite atlas, Czech Republic, conception, contents, cartographic design, false colour composite 
The atlas completing remains in the shadow among the activities of other cartographic branches including the development 
of new methodologies, technologies and results presentations. That is why the goals of the project are as it follows: the 
conceptual analysis of the satellite atlas as a whole and also of its parts, the proposal and selection of technological 
background available (hardware and software) and applicable under the Czech conditions (both for atlas completing in the 
hard copy and electronic versions), the completing of a list of disponible remote sensing data and information, and the desing 
of all individual parts of the "Satellite Atlas of the Czech Republic", including graphics and verbal explanations. The knowledge 
about the financial costs necessary for completing of the satellite atlas is also an interesting experience could be published. 
Former Czechoslovakia was one of countries with the best 
tradion in the atlas cartography. The consequence of atlases 
originated on the territory of Czechoslovakia is counted 
among to the world best atlas production and it has influ- 
ences in many cases the practice of atlas completing 
abroad. The "National Atlas of Czechoslovakia" (published 
in 1930s and in 1960s), the "Military Geographical Atlas" 
(two editions in 1960s and 1970s) and Slovak national "Atlas 
of the Slovak Socialist Republic" (1980) attracted a special 
attention in the world. However, many progressive ideas and 
technological inovations originated in the Czech lands, the 
Czech Republic is one of small number of countries not 
having a national atlas. It is an extraordinary exception 
among developed countries where our republic wants to be 
New trends have been developed in the present atlas crea- 
tion in the world were only partially accepted by the last 
Czechoslovak atlases such as the "Atlas of Population and 
Housing" (1987) and the "Atlas of the Environment and 
Health of the Population of the CSFR" (1992). generaly at 
the present time, the recess from the application of tradi- 
tional cartographical product such as common maps, carto- 
gramms and images is typical on the one hand. On the other 
hand, both the 3D models, 2D models - profiles are used 
much more then before. Much bigger space in the latest 
atlases is given to verbal explanations and pictures (photos) 
substituing on some sense the traditional map legends. 
Present state overview 
The completing of the national, regional and local (e.g. 
urban) atlases using by remotely sensed data became a 
certain art of fashion in many developed countries (e.g. 
Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, U.S.A., Japan). Exam- 
ples of proceeded remotely sensed data are a standard part 
of new atlases in our country as wella s abroad. 
Here it is possible to distiguish basically two main groups of 
remote sensing atlases here: 
Atlases - regional catalogues of false colour compos- 
ites (atlas consists of a set colour images with the same 
quality of data presentation and data processing for the area 
concerned; topographic maps of the whole territory or of 
small areas selected are added exceptionally only), (e.g. 
Sperling, Strung, 1970; Heuseler, edit, 1974; Kijenko, 
Koval, 1987; Banks, 1989). 
Atlases - methodological catalogues of variable or pur- 
pose oriented remotely sensed data processing (those 
atlases usually do not cover any standard territory, they 
follow the idea to show of suitable examples how to process 
data to get relevant results, these results are accompanied 
usually with thematic maps)(e.g. Bodechtel, Gierloff- Em- 
den, 1970; Oledzki, edit., 1988; Brachet, d'Allest, edit, 
Both the atlases will serve the much broader publics then 
the present textbooks do. The deeper conceptual project 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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