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preparation is typical for the methodological atlases of re-
mote sensing. They want to present as selected advantages
of methods applied as their utilizing under special condition.
The regional remote sensing atlases remain stil relativelly
poor in ideas. An application and utilizing of these atlases
depends on the user only and the user was not teached how
to use the data stored in the atlas.
There was not completed any similar product in the Czech
Republic, neither in the group of regional, nor in the group
of methodological atlases, although the Czech atlas cartog-
raphy and experience reached here is one of the best in the
Content explanation and project goals
The project follows the idea of preparation of a new concep-
tual approach to the creation of the Satellite atlas of the
Czech Republic, which will utilize the advantages of pre-
vious territorial and methodological atlases. This experience
could be usefully developed under the present Czech con-
The Czech Republic is without any traditional representative
national atlas. Although the idea of completing of a national
atlas of the Czech republic is still not dead, the satellite atlas
is a completely different product from the view point of
conception, content and purpose. Besides the informative
and representative functions, the satellite atlas prefers the
methodological and inspirative aspects and atthe same time
it advertises new technologies of latest territorial data acqui-
sition and processing. In the past the Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic was the basic institution responsible
for the intelectual, and partially also for the technical devel-
opment of remote sensing. If the satellite atlas will represent
the Czech Republic as a country supporting the scientific
progress and as a country reaching top results, it is neces-
sary to develop a new conceptional approach for an ad-
vanced satellite atlas completing. Only afterwords it will be
possible to solve this task successfully.
That is why the goals of the broader atlas project are as
it follows:
* Conceptual analysis of the satellite atlas as a whole and
also of its parts in the light of the latest and expected trends
of scientific and technological development, both in regard
to the features of the Czech territory.
* Proposal and defence of selected technological back-
ground applicable under the Czech conditions (both in the
hard copy and digital versions).
* Desing of example parts of the satellite atlas, including
graphics and verbal explanations.
* Completing of a list of disponible remote sensing data,
technologies and information applicable for the completing
of the satellite atlas of the Czech Republic.
* Detection of financial costs necessary for completing of
the satellite atlas.
* Completing of verbal and graphic documentation related
to the proposed satellite atlas of the Czech Republic.
* Completing of the author original of the atlas for following
redaction and printing operations.
The completing of a new satellite atlas conception consists
of definition of the content extension and quality. From the
quantitative viewpoint, the main goal is to get a qualified
judgement how many remote sensing products can to be
shown in the atlas. This decision-making includes the selec-
tion of image scales, resolution, etc. The project research
team posses original digital satellite data. This fact is very
favourable for the experiment-making with image (and map)
scales, with the page size and with other graphic documen-
tation. As a product of the experiment-making, variants of
image processing and presentation are expected, including
sets of different page sizes, image scales, internal atlas
structure, variable territory covering, alocation and form of
accompanying topographic/thematic maps and interpreta-
tion keys-tables
The aspectof the atlas content has to deal with the efficiency
of a compromise solution of the choice between the overview
and detail in the data processing and information presenta-
tion. À consequence of atlas chapters will depend on its
destination for the application among broad publics. The
beginning of the atlas should be based on the processing of
data with low resolution and results should be shown using
by simplier forms. The following chapters have to be more
and more detail, exact and objective. This fact has to be
verified experimentally both by completing of examples from
individual chapters and by asking publics (possible users)
by questionaires. At the same time, the areas to be shown
in the atlas will be selected in regard to cover the national
territory equably with methodological or instructive exam-
ples of satellite image processing. This question could be
Solved with the help of consultances with regional specialists
and among potential professional users.
The atlas arrangement aims at providing comprehensive
basic information about character of the territory in the
Czech republic as it is possible to find and demonstrate by
menas of remote sensing methods and by cartographical
means of expression. The introductory section of the atlas
contains satellite images at the scale of 1:1 000 000, which
have been processed to show a picture of the Czech Re-
public at viewing it from the space in different seasons of the
year and from some specific viewpoints. Territories of all
districts are introduced on colour double-pages by me ans
of a blow-up made from Landsat TM image at the district
border (at the scale of 1:100 000) along with coats of arms
of individual towns, and municipalities in the district and a
short text about basic natural, economic and social features.
The following double-page concerns some characteristics
of the given district, represented by demonstrations of some
purpose processing of remote sensing data (e.g. from view-
points of the environment, agriculture, nature protection,
forestry, water management, etc.). This part is usually com-
bined with a thematic map as well as with aerial and surface
photographs of the given localities. The image documenta-
tion is supplemented with explanatory text in Czech and
English languages.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996