Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

integration of descriptive data are processed in e species, 
relation to fire-damaged area. Answers to quires 
are provided incorporating elements, for instance: * heat, 
e humidity, 
e What is level of damage? e wind and wind direction. 
e How much area has been effected by fire? 
e Where is the look out towers, firebreak, Graphic data 
telephone? e boundaries of compartment 
e Wireless communication system e cuntour lines 
in Izmir Forest Director Region. Queries are 
Queries were developed and established for data 
developed and established for data interpretation n 
and analysis. Information stored in the data base is 
and analysis. retrieved and subsequently operational functions 
Used data are conventional maps, aerial proceeded. Analysis functions such as overlay, 
photographs and forestry record files. Existing search and grouping particularly as it relates to 
maps drawn to scale of 1:25 000 were gathered graphic display is executed mainly using 
from General Command of Mapping. It is used for MAPINFO software. Different queries have been 
record files between the years of 1986-1995. carried out between these items.For example, 
These are relations have been established between 
Non -graphic data | e fire-damaged area and species, 
e compartments number, e wind and heat, 
S = fire dates, e humidity and heat, 
C. e time, e humidity and fire-damaged area etc. 
id e fire -damaged compartments number, Some results are listed below with tables and 
vd histograms. - 
te e ct 7^ ^Í fire-damaged area, 
n (ha) 
nt 1985-1990 Pinus brutia 27.37 
to Ten.(Calabrian) 
on 1985-1990 Maquis 5.45 
1990-1995 Pinus brutia 25.81 
id Ten.(Calabrian) 
S 1990-1995 Maquis 4.3 
19 Table 1: Size of Fire -damaged Area 
ad ve 
le. A 25 
re 2 | 
m 250 
i Wiens | 
d r 15 (M wind. 
ok C a ys 
ed y 
far 7,32 33.38 38 38 34 29 21.29 28 26 29 31 34 
nd heat 
nd ; 
se Figure 3 : Histograms of percentage of humidity of heat and square 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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