Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Figure 4: Part of Ida image s0202561900 (66m ground 
pixel size) 
may be generated using images with different spectral fil- 
ters. What is more, precise photometric corrections will be 
possible, as the incidence and emittence angles of sunlight 
on the surface which are a prerequisite for the utilization of 
photometric functions, may be determined from the high 
resolution DTM. This will allow us to perform more precise 
spectral studies of the asteroid. 
In this paper the photogrammetric processing of digital 
SSI images of asteroid Ida is described. The results of 
the photogrammetric processing comprise a ground con- 
trol network and a DTM covering one hemisphere of Ida. 
The control net consists of 96 points with an (interior) ac- 
curacy of 180 m. Based on the control net and on 7,300 
ground points derived from digital image matching a 1?x 1? 
DTM was obtained. The D'TM represents the global sur- 
face characteristics quite well, as verified by comparison 
with the images. 
Goals of future investigations are 
e to improve the rotation parameters of Ida, 
e to determine the ephemeris of Ida's moon Dactyl, 
e to improve the DTM by shape-from-shading tech- 
e to apply the developed methods to Galileo SSI im- 
ages of Jupiter's satellites 
In performing this study we received valuable support 
by Jürgen Oberst and Bernd Giese at the Institute of 
Planetary Exploration of the DLR, which is gratefully ac- 
knowledged. Part of the work presented in this paper is 
funded by grant 50 QM 9205 of the German Space Agency 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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