Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

religious landmarks, to name just a few. These were 
collected over the years, starting in the late 1930s. Thus, the 
position and validity of many of these features are 
These features are then digitized off existing maps to enable 
the production of the new map-series. Yet, one should not 
“contaminate” the digital data base with features of non- 
homogeneous origin. Such problems were foreseen and taken 
care of when developing the remapping protocols and the 
GIS data base model. Each of the features in the GIS 
library also carries a SOURCE-CODE. This SOURCE- 
CODE is a special pointer to the SOURCE-CODE look-up 
table. This table contains the characteristics of the mapping, 
including: method, date, planimetric and altimetric accuracy, 
the mapping company code, etc. Thus, all the features that 
were mapped off on 1:40,000-scale photographs taken at the 
same date by the same photogrammetric company, will have 
the same SOURCE-CODE. In the same manner, all features 
that were digitized off an old existing topographic map, are 
given the same source-code. This enables fast production of 
new maps, and also the launching of a revision process of 
validating the existence of these features by field surveyors. 
Field Completion 
As mentioned previously, field crews are sent to the newly 
remapped areas in order to validate the existence of the 
features that cannot be detected on the air photographs. This 
aims also to resurvey those objects that are found, in order to 
map them within the planimetric accuracy restriction of the 
new National GIS Data Base. 
During 1994, and most of 1995, some experiments were 
performed over several areas of 400 sq.km. each. This is the 
area covered by the traditional 1:50,000-scale map-series 
quads. At first, field crews would set out, using new work 
maps that were generated directly from the GIS Data Base, 
using an inkjet or electrostatic plotters. The surveyors used 
traditional methods of surveying, and were limited to 
terrestrial transportation. Due to the restricted manpower 
and other resources of the Survey, it took between 2-3 months 
to cover an area of one quad. It was obvious that this was not 
a solution for the field-completion surveying. At the end of 
1995, the Survey launched an experiment using mobile GPS 
surveying, complemented by transporting the field crews by 
helicopter. This experiment showed a saving of 90% in 
terms of time, and between 65-7596 in terms of cost. Not 
only was it possible to remap, accurately, existing objects that 
were “neglected” over the years, but it was also possible to 
validate their existence. Thus, many of the features depicted 
in old topographic maps were omitted as it was found they no 
longer existed. In addition, many new objects were found 
and added to the National GIS Data Base. This was made 
possible by flying the surveyors and scouts over the area, thus 
giving a better view, and enabling them to detect new objects. 
Using a helicopter added to their mobility, and thus reduced 
the time needed to move from one object to another. 
Non-Spatial Data Completion 
Non-spatial information becomes more and more in demand 
as users begin to regard the spatial data as a base layer for 
georeferencing the more “important” thematic (non-spatial) 
data. This is a new domain for a mapping agency that is in 
charge of acquiring, updating and distribution of spatial 
information. Gathering non-spatial information focuses 
mainly on urban areas. In such areas, the municipalities are 
regarded as the best information source, and also as a 
potential client for revised and updated town plans and maps. 
Thus, the consumer has the motivation also to provide the 
information, as by producing such non-spatial knowledge, he 
is reimbursed by georeferencing these data. 
Georeferencing is carried out by an interactive process. All 
public and other activities are given a special code. This is 
defined as a Secondary-code. There is no limitation on the 
types and variety of these codes, and each of the features in 
the Data Base may carry several Secondary-codes. Also, the 
digital transfer standard, IEF'91 [Peled et al, 1991] is 
open, and enables to attach as many as desired of these 
Secondary-codes to the main Type-code (feature). A user- 
friendly module was devised for this georefering. The 
Secondary-codes are organized in logical groups, and are easy 
to access, so the operator need not memorize them. This 
“logic” was tested, and as some of the activities were defined 
by several people in different groups, they appear in those 
groups, e.g., the Muslim courts appear in the "judicial," 
“religious,” and “government” groups. By this concept, the 
“logical-connectivity” of the operator will enable him to 
access the same Secondary-code, no matter what initial 
logical-group was chosen. Once a new activity is introduced, 
it is processed by the  GIS-Completion manager, given a 
Secondary-code, added to a logical-group, and added to the 
menu and the distribution standard. 
This concept also enables the Survey to distribute information 
acquired and coded by other authorities. These codes are 
either given a prefix digit to identify the coding authority, or 
are recoded by a pre-defined Transformation Look-up Table. 
Such is the case with the forestry authority. All the flora 
codes given by this authority are kept, intact as secondary- 
codes. The Survey itself has Type-codes only for trees, 
bushes, forests, etc. The actual type of the trees are coded 
according to the Secondary-codes given by the forestry 
Map revision is envisaged as a by-product of the data base 
revision and updating. Here again, there is utilization of the 
SOURCE-CODE. All data extracted from the GIS data base 
are kept in a special library which is referred to as the 
“Cartographic GIS.” These files are the exact copy of the 
original data base, and should not be confused with the 
“cartographic” copy (backup) of the final digital file used to 
generate the map. These files are the result of tedious work 
of cartographic treatment, hierarchy manipulation, and other 
procedures aiming for a better quality visual product, namely 
the map, that depict, but not necessarily copy, the spatial and 
non-spatial data stored in the National GIS data base. 
The simple solution is to revise the map by running the map 
production process from starting point, using the updated 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996

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