Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

4) Elevation interpolation: for each newly introduced 
“skeleton” point, the elevation is determined through 
linear interpolation. The basic idea is the following: first 
determine the triangle that encloses the "skeleton" point 
(the process can be significantly speeded up by the use of 
topological relationship); then detect the closest adjacent 
contour line using topological relationship and distance 
comparison (note that the triangle enclosing the 
"skeleton" point plays an important role in the process); 
finally draw a reference line between the "skeleton" point 
and the closest node on the neighbour contour line, and 
make sure that the line crosses the "problem" contour 
line (i.e., the contour line that forms (part) of the flat 
region). The interpolation is conducted along this line. 
Two aspects must be taken care of in the process: a) the 
number of times that the reference line crosses the 
*problem" contour line before reaching the adjacent 
contour line (see Figure 3A); b) if the reference line 
reaches first the adjacent contour line before crossing the 
“problem” contour line, then other adjacent contour lines 
(not the closest one) might be more suitable for the 
interpolation (see Figure 3B). An alternative method is 
to first interpolate the elevations of the first and last 
points of the flat region using the method described 
above, and then determine the elevation for each middle 
point through linear interpolation based on the distance 
and the elevations of the two “end” points. This method 
eliminates local irregularities and is based on an 
assumption that the slop between the two "end" points is 
constant, therefore should be used with caution. 
; 110 
Crossing two times 100 C—g2——7V —7————3— 71 
\ ZA \ \ 7 
wv ~ Ve AN ^ 7 ^ 
* | = 110 zZ z \ ! 
A) > m 7 \ IM s z 
> ^ ^d N 
> Z e Flat, \ 2d 
Kus 2 - 
120 J] oe Velo 
44 1; 
(Wi Flat | Flat 1, 7 S 
~ w^ 
A: The reference line crosses the contour two times B: The adjacent contour of 100 m is more suitable 
Figure 3: Examples of special situation 
5) Consistency checking: several rules are employed in this 
approach to avoid unreasonable result: 
€ All the "skeleton" points of a flat region must be 
inside the region. 
® The elevations of all the "skeleton" points of a flat 
region must be consistent in such a way that all of 
them are either larger or smaller than the height of the 
contour line that forms (part) of the flat region. 
€ The absolute value of the height difference between 
any of the "skeleton" points of a flat region and the 
contour line that forms (part) of the flat region must 
not be larger than the original contour interval. 
If any violation happens, adjustment and further checking 
is required. 
6) Network updating: the “skeleton” points are then inserted 
into the original model through local updating. 
7) Dealing with flat edges: if a non-flat triangle has an edge 
that is not part of any contour line, but with both vertexes 
having the same elevation, then “triangle swapping” is 
applied in order to avoid potential problems in contour- 
making. Saddle locations may be detected in this process, 
If two non-flat triangles share such a flat edge, and if 
“triangle swapping” cannot be conducted because 
otherwise a new flat edge will be created (i.e., the two 
opposite nodes of the original flat edge also have the 
same height), then the quadrangle formed by the two 
adjacent triangles represents a saddle area. In this case, 
a new point can be introduced into the center of the area. 
Its elevation can be determined by taking the average of 
the four vertexes of the quadrangle. 
The data source used to test the algorithm was digitized 
from a 1:50000 topographic map covering an area of 
approximately 3 km by 3 km in southern France near 
Bonnieux (Pilouk, 1992). The contour interval is 20 meters. 
The test was conducted using ISNAP, and the results are 
shown in Figure 4. For lack of space, only about half of the 
original studying area is shown in this paper. Through a 
visual inspection and comparison of the hillshading displays 
and derived contours, it is obvious that after the 
improvement, the terrain representation becomes more 
natural and the skeleton is more aapparent. The information 
lost in the contouring process due to the problem of flat 
triangles is recovered. Because of the use of topological 
relationship, the algorithm is fast. With a DTM containing 
4400 nodes, 13178 edges, 8779 triangles, and 1154 new 
points, using a 486-PC (66Mz), the whole process 
(including network update) took about one minute to 
Terrain relief generalization should rely on a (good) DTM 
and skeleton information must play an important role in the 
process. The problem of flat triangles is obvious if a DTM 
is to be obtained from digitized contours. It ought to be 
solved before a generalization process. Contours in a 
smaller scale map should be derived from a generalized 
DTM that is adapted to the new (relief) resolution 
requirement. Graphic or view generalization process is then 
directly applied to the contours in order to obtain a legibile 
visualization. The generalization of skeleton lines is the key 
aspect in the whole process, and should not be simply 
treated as an issue of a 2D linear network (e.g., road 
network) generalization. Elevation information, that 
represents another dimension of the spatial space, must 
plays a role. 
The skeleton lines resulting from this method is based on 
the concept of medial axis, and can only be regarded as 
initial breaklines. Individual skeleton line branches need to 
be connected and their planimetric locations need to be 
adjusted according to the variations of the density of the 
contours in the neighbourhood. Figure 5 illustrates the 
problem and a possible solution that makes use of the 
topological relationship. This will be implemented and 
tested in the near future. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996

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