Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Multi-objective/Multi-criteria Analysis Module 
For the task of analyzing the conflicting goals/objectives of the 
different decision levels and disciplines involved in watershed 
Inference Engine 
Manipulates the knowledge represented in the knowledge base 
to infer a solution to the problem(s) described by the 
information in the databases. 
Rule-based system 
This is the knowledge representation scheme. It implements the 
concept of data-driven and goal-directed reasoning. The rule- 
based system contains the knowledge about a particular domain 
that has been acquired from domain experts. 
DSS Database 
This database contains specific data (initial and derived data 
when solving the problem) which describe all facts that are 
known about the problem. Data may be the result of: some GIS 
operations; data automatically collected by a data acquisition 
system; sets of answers provided by the end user in response to 
Application Databases (DSS DB) Level 4 
> à 4 
Federated 0.0. Scale Level 3 
Schemas levels 
O.O. schema 
Sharable data in 
O.O. schema 
| Sharable data in 
Sharable data in 
[^ 0. eg Level 2 
1 Shareable data Shareable data Shareable data Level 1 
i (Schema 1) (Schema 2) (Schema 3) ove 
Elementary Elementary Elementary Level 0 
Figure 4 Multi-level federate database 
the queries posed by the inference engine; or data exported from 
remote databases. 
Object schema 
The object schema describes the entities in the domain (in terms 
of classes, objects, properties, methods, inheritance, etc.). It also 
enables the retrieval of the object properties from the SDSS 
database using the Object-Oriented data model. The object 
schema provides an integration layer that supports the 
requirements of the different SDSS components mentioned 
It provides users with an intuitive interface for interacting with 
the SDSS and its various components. The basic objective of the 
GUI is to allow users to access GIS, RS, application programs, 
rule base and multi-objective analysis components from a single 
In this section, the components of the MLDSS were shown. 
First the overall architecture of the MSLDSS were explained, 
then the components of the SDSS were presented. The 
supporting databases of such an architecture are heterogeneous 
in many respects. The next section shows how the data models 
are organized and structured in the MLDSS. 
[Worboys, M., et al., 1991] classified semantic heterogeneity as 
generic and contextual. The earlier occurs when different GIS 
applications use different data models of representing their 
spatial information. For example one may use a layer-based 
approach while a another may use an object-based approach, 
The contextual heterogeneity occurs when the semantics of 
schemes depend upon the local conditions at particular GIS. For 
example two spatial databases contain two different objects 
which have two different meanings, though they refer to the 
same real world entity, e.g., agricultural fields in environmental 
database are different from those in a cadastral database. 
[Spaccapietra, S., et al., 1991] listed 4 classes of heterogeneity 
or conflicts: semantic conflict, descriptive conflict, data model 
conflict, and structural conflict. The semantic conflict occurs in 
the situation where two sets of objects from two schemes are 
representing sets of real world entities which are related by a set 
comparison operators other than equality. Descriptive conflict 
occurs when two database objects, representing the same real 
world entity, are described with different sets of properties. Data 
model conflict is the situation where two schemes are defined 
with two different data models, e.g., relational and object 
oriented models. The situation where two related objects are 
represented using different data structures is called structural 
conflict. For example a designer represents a component X of an 
object O either by creating a new object type X or add it as a 
property of O. 
A relatively similar classification of types of database 
heterogeneity is presented by [Saltor et al, 1993]. They 
provided more comprehensive classification of heterogeneity to 
which we are more inclined. Their classification has three 
aspects: syntactic, schematic, and semantic. Descriptive and 
structural conflicts are equivalent to schematic heterogeneity, 
while the data model conflict is equivalent to syntactic conflict. 
1. Syntactic: each database may be implemented in a different 
DBMS with a different data model, e.g., relational model Vs 
object oriented model. Syntactic heterogeneity is also related 
to the geometric representation of geographic objects, e.g., 
raster and vector representations. 
2. Schematic: where objects in one database are considered as 
properties or metadata in the other, or object classes of the 
same real world entity have different hierarchies and 
descriptors in different databases. 
3. Semantic: a real world entity may have two different 
meanings in their underlying databases in order to serve 
various applications, giving as a consequence semantic 
conflicts. For example a road network in a GIS for 
transportation has different semantics from that in a GIS for 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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