Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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Figure 3: Stereoscopically derived DEM. 
Figure 4: Map derived reference DEM. 
Figure 5: Height differences between map-derived and 
stereo-derived DEM. 
4.2. Data Geocoding 
Based on the parametric mapping models and on the 
map-derived as well as the stereo-derived DEM JERS-1 
image data were geocoded. An intercomparison of 
geocoded images produced with map-derived and stereo- 
derived DEM, respectively, was made in order to further 
conclude on the usefulness of the stereo-derived DEM. 
The respective results are presented in Raggam et al. 
(1995). In this context only the geocoded OPS-2 and the 
geocoded SAR-2 image are comparatively presented in 
Figure 6 in order to show the global information 
characteristics of JERS-1 image data. 
Beside the JERS-1 data, a geocoded multispectral SPOT 
image as well as an ERS-1 SAR image are shown in 
Figure 7 to demonstrate the radiometric but also the 
geometric differences to the JERS-1 images. While the 
optical data present themselves very similar, it can be 
seen for the SAR data that the shapes of the layover 
areas are completely different and much more extended 
in the ERS-1 data. Consequently, for mountainous terrain 
the content of useful information in ERS-1 images is 
significantly reduced in comparison to JERS-1 SAR 
Moreover, for data from the steep looking ERS-1 sensor it 
happens more frequently, for instance, that extended dark 
patterns occur inside a geocoded layover area. Such 
patters arise already from small error effects and in fact 
this kind of geocoding errors is less severe than 
anticipated from the visual impression. 
For the high alpine testsite Ótztal, a multisensoral image 
data set comprising optical images from JERS and SPOT 
as well as SAR images from JERS and ERS-1 was used 
for stereoscopic investigations and for the production of 
geocoded images. Based on the achieved results the 
following conclusions can be made: 
e From a radiometric point of view optical JERS data 
provide a good performance for stereo mapping, as a 
stereoscopic image pair is acquired during one 
overflight. In this concern JERS data are superior to 
SPOT stereo pairs being collected in separate 
overflights and with a certain temporal difference. 
e From a geometric point of view the JERS stereo 
disposition is limited to a stereo intersection angle of 
some 15 degrees. The resulting base-to-height ratio of 
about 0.3 is insufficient to obtain a high accuracy in 
height, in particular in comparison to image pairs from 
the SPOT sensor with respective values of even more 
than 1.0. 
e SAR stereo images of the JERS sensor in general 
provide a worse potential for stereo mapping, as the 
stereo intersection angles are very small. In 
comparison to ERS-1, however, the JERS sensor 
produces less layover. This is of high benefit for the 
stereo mapping task, because the areas excluded from 
successful image matching are significantly smaller. 
e Sometimes, systematic errors may be resulting from 
stereo mapping, as expressed by mean height errors 
deviating significantly from 0. These effects have to be 
further investigated. In this concern, other correlation 
algorithms may be helpful. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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