Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

k as 
2, in 
, the 
through K. c and c, are the alphabetic character restrictions. 
Alphabetic character restrictions are constraints imposed over 
individual and/or consecutive alphabetic characters in a 
cartographic element. For example, two consecutive line 
segments are perpendicular to each other. 
In the general UMC expression (Formula 1), A and B are 
alphabetic characters from the cartographic alphabet, or text, or 
numerical expressions. U and U, are space dimensions 
(coordinate values such as X, Y, and Z) and V and V, are image 
construction operators. 
4.4 A Model for Representing Spatial Data 
The cartographic language provides an efficient mechanism to collect 
and modify (consistently and systematically) individual features of a 
spatial database or a map, but it is not enough to handle 
simultaneously all of the information presented in a spatial database 
or maps. This is accomplished by a cartographic model. A 
cartographic model for the representation of spatial data is defined by 
Ramirez and Lee (1991) as “a simplified representation of the surface 
of the earth or any celestial body that can be expressed in analytical 
form.” A cartographic model is only a generalization or idealization of 
Major problems in the process of automating the collection of spatial 
data are: (1) producers do not yet understand the nature of these 
data or the mental process followed to collect them, (2) production is 
operator-intensive and (3) computers are only used to accelerate 
manual operations and simulate analog production methods. A 
possible solution to this is to rethink the concept of mapping and 
simplify the cartographic collection process to a well-defined set of 
steps. This is the idea behind the cartographic model. Ideally, terrain 
elements could be expressed by known functions of the type, 
Element = F(Parameters), 2) 
from which a cartographic product could be generated in a consistent 
and efficient manner. Conceptually, the model will encompass all of 
the rules employed by cartographic products today. 
The cartographic form to be presented here was developed by 
Ramirez and Lee (1991). It resembles the Bakus-Naur Form (BNF) 
(1960) used in the definition of Algol; for this reason it is called the 
Bakus-Naur Cartographic Form (BNCF). The BNCF is composed of 
five basic symbols. This symbols are shown in Table No. 3. 
Table No. 3 
Dakus SINGU anges Form m 
= : | € | Consists o C 
<> Single occurrence of an abstraction 
[1 Optional occurrence of an abstraction 
{} Multiple occurrence of an abstraction 
0 Always occurs together 0m 
The context-free syntax of the language is given in the form of 
production rules of the type, «A» :- «B» , where <A> is one of the 
members of the production rule which is called the left-hand side 
(LHS) of the production rule and «B» is the other member which is 
called the right-hand side (RHS). They are always separated by the 
symbol “=". The LHS is always of the type < > and it is a 
nonterminal sign. Nonterminal signs are those abstractions which can 
be expressed in terms of other terminal and nonterminal signs. 
Terminal signs are known values, such as color, line weight, line 
style, and coordinate values. The RHS could be of the type <>, [ ], 
{}, (), any combination of them, and/or terminal signs. A derivation 
is a set of production rules which enable the LHS to be fully 
expressed by terminal signs. 
Spatial data (topographic cartographic products) can be written in 
terms of the BNCF. In order to do that, the cartographic components 
of spatial data must be used. They are given in Table No. 4. Using the 
above terminology, Ramirez and Lee (1991) found that any 
topographic cartographic product can be expressed in BNCF by the 
derivation given in Table No. 5. 
Table No.1, the cartographic language (alphabet, operations, 
rules, and writing mechanism), and the cartographic model 
provide part of the conceptual framework needed for spatial data 
collection and revision. Table No.l and the corresponding 
discussion tell us how the terrain and its features change, the 
cartographic rules tell us how features (new and old) behave, the 
writing mechanism provides us with a systematic way to express 
individual features, and the cartographic model allows 
expression of the entire spatial database (or map) in a systematic 
and formula-like fashion for collection or revision of spatial data. 
Table No. 4 
Cartographic Elements 
| AP. area patterni 
BS blank space 
| CO color. 
"EAlabel —— 
LB line symbol 
Une — 
LN label number 
LS linesign — — 
LT line width Ta SS symbol size SE 
LYlinestyle — _ ST structural grammar 
NM name TS terminal sim 
NN name number ——— VAvalue 
OR orientation VVvisudlvariable — 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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