Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Comment Low Variability Moderate Variability High Variability 
example forest/urban areas/water de- and regeneration stages farmland, meadowland, peatland 
strategies determination of a high number | these areas are in most cases for every new classification new training- 
of reference areas 
digitising and assigning of 
attributes (as a vector layer or 
gradual stages (e.g. dense areas) and test areas have to be mapped 
determination of a high number of 
reference areas 
area of interest) 
Ist vector layer (AOT) can be 
used for subsequent classi- 
only those areas have to be assessed 
no new determination of 
training areas are necessary 
new training sets have to be found if 
areas have changed due to gradual 
it is not necessary to map these 
classes on the day of data 
mapping time 
the mapping should be close to the 
day of data acquisition 
the mapping should be on the day of data 
Table 2: Time Variability of Areas and Strategies 
Analyses for the transferability of signatures from one test area 
to another bogland within the same scene shows good results. 
These results have been inspected by a visual comparison with 
actual biotope mappings. The transferability of signatures from 
one scene to an other has been tested in the overlapping area of 
scenes 196-23, 195-23 and 195-24. It shows that only 
signatures with a low time variability (e.g. urban areas, airport) 
are transferable. The other signatures should not transferred 
because of different sunangles, haze and  radiometric 
Results from multisensor analyses with different data fusion 
techniques, e.g., principle component and IHS-transformations, 
show no significant improvement in the differentiation of 
signatures (classes). Classification results from a combination 
of Landsat-TM imagery and SPOT-Pan or ERS-1 data indicate 
that there is no improvement compared to a classification using 
Landsat-TM imagery only. A presentation of the signatures in 
ellipsoid form in the important feature spaces (scatter diagram) 
confirms these results. It shows strong overlapping areas, that 
indicate a poor differentiation of some classes and a visual 
inspection shows the same negative results for those classes. 
As final steps, all produced information and GIS layers will be 
included into the environmental information system of the 
Department of Environment, Lower Saxony (GEOSUM). This 
information will be provided to the various State Natural 
Protection Agencies. This project will support the meadow- 
land and peatland protection programme. 
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typen in Niedersachsen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung 
der nach $ 28a NNatG geschützten Biotope, Stand 1992. 
Naturschutz Lanschaftspflege Niedersachsen, Heft A4, 
Hrsg.: Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Okologie - 
Naturschutz - Hannover. 
Ehlers, M., 1992. Data Types and Data Structures for 
Integrated Geographic Information Systems. In: Star, J.L. 
(Ed.) The Integration of Remote Sensing and Geographic 
Information Systems, American Society for Photo- 
grammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, MD, pp. 51-73. 
Ehlers, M., 1995. The Promise of Remote Sensing for Land 
Cover Monitoring and Modeling, Joint European Confe- 
rence and Exhibition on Geographical Information, The 
Hague, The Netherlands, Vol. 2, pp. 426-432. 
Ehlers, M. and U. Rhein, 1995. Environmental Monitoring - 
Statewide Comparative Landuse Classification in Lower 
Saxony Focusing on Moor and Pasture Areas. In: Procee- 
dings, 9th International Symposium on Computer Science 
for Environmental Protection CSEP'95, Berlin, Vol. I, pp. 
Reinke, L., 1995. GIS-gestützte Analyse von Fernerkundungs- 
daten zur Bestimmung des Grünlandanteils im Bereich des 
Dümmers. (unveróffentlichte Magisterarbeit, Hochschule 
Richards, J. A., 1994. Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis. 
Springer Verlag. Berlin. 
Schelling, K., 1995. GIS-gestützte Auswertung von Fernerkun- 
dungsdaten zur Bestimmung von Moorzustand und - 
nutzung am Beispiel Goldenstedter Moor (unveróffent- 
lichte Magisterarbeit, Hochschule Vechta). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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