Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Region 1 There} | Region 2 There 
are Soil are Soil 
Problems Problems 
Region 3 There Region 4 There 
are No Soil are No Soil 
Problems Problems 
Figure 3: Major Divisions of The Study Area. 
Table 1: Processing Region (1) of Tabuk Area with 5 Classes 
Using 1990 TM Images 
Class | Color of Class No. of Percent of Class Type 
No. Pixels total % 
1 Green 2020 12.097 Vegetation 
2 Black 4553 18.862 Pavement 
3 Sand 6097 25.259 Soil A, 
4 Red 6947 28.780 Structure 
5 white 3621 15.001 Soil A, 
Total 24138 100% 
Table 2: Results of Processing Four Real Investigations 
Comparison Results using Results by Test No. 
the system human 
80% Sand Stone Silty Sand 1 
70% Shale Silt 2 
100% Sand Stone Sand Stone 3 
75% Shale Silty Sand 4 
95% Sand Stone Sandy Clay Silt 5 
85% a eu Total 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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