Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

3.3 Environmental Mapping of two Malaysian 
In co-operation with the Malaysian centre of Remote Sensing 
(MACRES) SSC carried out a geological and land cover 
mapping of the two states Selangor and Kedah in West 
Malaysia (Andersson C. et al, 1993). Selangor is the most 
urbanised state in the country, with the capital Kuala Lumpur in 
the central part, and with large plantations of oil palm and 
rubber outside the city. Kedah, in the north, is known as the rice 
bowl of Malaysia with extensive paddy fields along the coast. 
Altogether 31 Land Cover Maps at 1:50,000 and 12 
Photogeological Maps at 1:100,000 were produced during the 
project, which was finalised in 1992. Satellite Image Maps at 
1U Urban and associated 
E 1U; Industrial area 
Estate building 
Recreational area 
1T Mining area 
| 2H Mixed horticulture 
Oil palm 
Forest plantation 
Figure 2. Map legend of Land Cover Map, Malaysia. 
3.4 Forest and Biomass Mapping of Malawi 
During 1992 and 1993 a land use, forestry and biomass 
mapping of Malawi was carried out in co-operation between the 
Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources of Malawi and SSC 
(Rasch et al, 1994). The mapping was based on Satellite Image 
Maps from Landsat TM at a scale of 1:250,000 of the entire 
country. The interpretation was performed at 1:150,000. 
Landsat TM images were selected due to cost limitations. Two 
main problems due to the image material occurred, both of 
which had to be compensated through more extensive field 
work. Firstly many of the available cloud-free images were from 
the time of year when the deciduous forests were defoliated. 
This occurs only a few months after the beginning of the dry 
period and resulted in difficulties in identifying forested areas 
compared to shrubs. Secondly the lack of texture in Landsat as 
compared to SPOT increased the difficulties of the vegetation 
interpretation further, something not compensated by the middle 
infrared channel. 
The unique feature of this project was the use of the satellite 
image maps, combined with rather extensive field surveys, to 
carry out a forest volume estimation. A number of field survey 
areas, consisting of clusters of test areas, were selected at 
random within the forest areas (Fig 4). The areas were also used 
for checking the land use mapping. One tree in each sample plot 
was selected for measurement of tree height, in total 544 trees. 
Altogether 43 trees were also felled for measurements of tree 
volumes and estimation of a volume function for individual 
i eR 
7TFc Coastal swamp forest 
the scales of 1:50,000 and 1:100,000 were produced from 
existing multispectral SPOT images. Landsat TM images were 
used as a supplement to the SPOT images. Two separate teams 
carried out the project, one for the land cover mapping and one 
for the geological mapping. The use of other available maps and 
information sources was a main feature of the project. Pre- 
interpretation was carried out before the field work and was 
followed by a final interpretation. As in most other projects the 
final maps were produced digitally after manual digitising of the 
interpretation overlays. In total 44 land cover classes based on 
24 main classes were mapped (Fig 2 and 3). A stochastic 
accuracy test of 100 check points gave an accuracy of better 
than 95%. 
Paddy field 
i 9C Cleared land 
Sugar cane 
|i 9N Natural bare land 
Diversified crops 
10W Large water body 
Grassland, scrub- 
grassland and other 
erbaceous vegetation 10K Large fishpond 
Bush MIXED CLASSES are shown as 
combinations of the above symbols and 
Dry-land forest OTHER MAP ELEMENTS 
Selected road 
National boundary 
State boundary 
po ^m River 
Peat and freshwater 
swamp forest 
Logged forest 
Secondary forest 
trees. The final result provided estimates on forest volumes per 
class, per area and nationwide. 
A forest change detection comparing old Landsat MSS images 
from 1972/73 with the Satellite Image Maps from 1990/91 was 
also done. The low resolution of Landsat MSS limited the 
possibilities of the change detection. Certain assumptions, for 
instance that the bare rocks and marshes inside forest areas had 
not been changed, and that deciduous forests and evergreen 
forests covered the same areas as before, had to be made. For 
different classes the change in area size was estimated for three 
regions and for the entire country. 
800 m 
Figure 4. Layout of Cluster with Sub-clusters. One sample plot 
was located at each corner of the sub- clusters. The 
sample plots were circular with three fixed radii 
depending on diameter class; <10 cm: 5 m radius, | 0 
cm - 20 cm: 10 m radius, >20 cm: 15 m radius. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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