Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Philippines the only operational way of carrying out the project 
was by using SPOT, any other considerations about data 
sources could be disregarded. The mapping project for the 
National Population Census in Nigeria used SPOT multispectral 
instead of the technically more feasible panchromatic images, as 
this was the only available data and the time was limited. The 
point behind this is that all these things have to be considered 
for each project, a general answer does not exist. It also means 
that these issues have to be considered concisely and can not be 
4.6 Production of DEMS and Contours 
It is possible and feasible to produce Digital Elevation Models 
and contours from stereo SPOT images. It is, however, for many 
reasons problematic in all areas except the most arid. As the 
stereo is not obtained on the same track the same day, both the 
images used have to be observed under cloud-free conditions. 
This limitation allows only a few choices of images. The 
consequences are; (i) the base-to-height ratios vary, giving 
inconsistent and unpredictable results, (ii) the time differences 
between the scenes vary, not only giving variations in precision 
but, even worse, also resulting in low reliability, (iii) any time 
planning is very difficult if data does not exist in an archive and 
programming is required - systematic coverage of an area by 
archived stereo data is rare; (iv) to cover partly cloudy stereo 
pairs the number of images has to be significantly increased. 
When the image material is sufficiently good (only a few days 
between the image observations and a base-to-height ratio better 
than 0,5) the reliability and overall accuracy is sufficient for 
. many purposes. An r.m.s. accuracy of 7-10 metres is routinely 
obtainable from SPOT stereo. This is sufficient for many 
purposes. It is sufficient for production of Digital Elevation 
Models for certain applications, such as planning of cellular 
networks. It is sufficient for production of 20 metre height 
contours at 1:50,000 (and corresponding elevation data bases) 
for areas where maps do not exist and the budget is limited. 
However, in general the limitations of today's stereo satellite 
data are too large for most general mapping purposes. 
4.7 Topographic Map Revision 
Revision of topographic maps can be, and has already been, 
carried out to a large extent using high resolution satellite 
images such as SPOT. However the feasibility varies for 
different types of objects. For revision of detectable objects it is 
a fully operational technology, as was the case in the mapping 
projects in Nigeria. When the requirements are tuned to the 
possibilities, as in the Baltic projects, even completely new map 
series can be established very successfully. If very detailed 
information is needed, as was the case in Malaysia, only aerial 
photographs, or orthophotomaps based on aerial photographs 
have sufficient resolution. 
The resolution of SPOT has been sufficient for identification of 
area and most line objects in topographic maps at 1:50,000. 
Infrastructural elements - roads, tracks, waterways - are usually 
well detectable. Powerlines in open terrain and old railroads 
might not be detectable, but that is more a problem of contrast 
than resolution. The area classes of ordinary topographic maps 
are usually very well detectable both with multispectral and 
panchromatic SPOT images. Most point objects, such as single 
houses, are not detectable in SPOT or Landsat images. A 
significantly higher resolution is needed for detection of point 
4.8 A Typical Land Cover Mapping Project 
How shall a typical land cover mapping project be carried out. 
À description of such a project is made in Fig 5. This 
description puts very much emphasis on the production of 
image maps. À more general description of how a work flow 
could look is: 
Step 1. Acquisition of low cost information for planning of the 
project. The information is typically found in existing maps, 
NOAA-images and quick-looks of satellite images. It will 
give an increased understanding of the main features of the 
study area. 
Step 2. A visit to the project area by the leading staff to get an 
overview of the distribution of the different classes. If 
possible photographs and/or video films should be obtained, 
from ground and air. Inventory of available information 
sources is essential. A preliminary classification schedule 
should be made. 
Step 3. Test and selection of image data, product types, spectral 
channels, etc. Ordering and/or production of image material. 
Step 4. Preliminary interpretation. Test of classification system. 
Identification of areas for field investigation. 
Step 5. Field investigation in areas selected as typical and in 
ambiguous areas. The field trips should give the interpreters 
detailed knowledge about the area and the classes. 
Step 6. Final interpretation based on the preliminary 
interpretation and refined by the knowledge acquired 
through the field work. 
Step 7. Digitising, check and editing of the interpretation result. 
Step 8. Cartographic processing and production of printing 
originals. Printing of maps. Production of final report. 
Formal training should be performed early in the project, 
making on-the-job training possible to carry out throughout the 
entire project. 
The following conclusions can be made from the projects: 
Satellite remote sensing is a reliable and fully operational tool 
for thematic mapping of vegetation and land cover at scales 
between 1:50,000 - 1:250,000. In applications covering large 
areas it is actually the only realistic alternative. 
Satellite images are fully operational for topographic map 
revision of detectable objects. When the requirements are tuned 
to the possibilities even completely new map series can be 
established very successfully. However today’s satellites do not 
fulfill the same requirements as aerial photographs. 
Only geometrically corrected images should be used in mapping 
projects. Normally Orthophotomaps should be used unless 
accuracy requirement and data allows the use of non- 
orthocorrected image maps. Satellite data is an excellent 
material for production of image maps. For digital mapping 
geometrically corrected scenes can be considered an alternative 
to image maps. 
Image availability is a major problem for data acquired in the 
visible and infrared bands. The major factor limiting availability 
is cloudiness. Operationality of the data acquisition and 
distribution are major factors to consider for data choice. 
Interpretation on photographic hard copies is preferable to 
direct interpretation on computer screen in most applications 
where new maps are produced. For revision purposes, however, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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