Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

editing existing data bases on raster image background can be 
time-efficient and reliable. 
All available information, not only the basic image material, 
should be used for mapping. Existing maps, old aerial 
photographs, complementing satellite images, old files and 
tabular data are all most useful during interpretation. 
Take all aspects into account for choice of images. 
Operationality and availability, spectral versus spatial 
resolution, stereo or mono data, effect on total cost and time 
consumption. Simple answers do not exist. 
Digital Elevation Models and height contours can with today’s 
satellite technology only be produced in areas with favourable 
cloud conditions and for specific purposes. Height contour 
mapping from space requires on-track stereo and higher 
The experiences described in this paper are based on many 
individual persons and reports from the Swedish Space 
Corporation and SSC Satellitbild. To all who in this way, 
directly or indirectly, shared their knowledge with me, I am 
most grateful. 
I also want to thank the Swedish National Space Board whose 
financial support made it possible for me to present this paper. 
Andersson C. and Rosenqvist A., 1993. Environmental 
Resource Mapping in Malaysia by Satellite.. 
Allo B., 1993. The Prospects of the Application of SPOT 
Images in (1:50,000) Topographic Mapping in Nigeria. 
Presented at the International Symposium 
"Operationalisation of Remote Sensing" at ITC. 
Enschede, Holland. 
Atilola S., 1990. Revision and Production of 1:50,000 Maps 
Using SPOT Satellite Imagery. Presented at the 25'^ 
Annual Conference of The Nigerian Institutions of 
Surveyors. Kano, Nigeria. 
Brook I., 1991. Regional Cooperation: Sweden in South East 
Asia. The 4" South East Asian Survey Congress, Kuala 
Lumpur, Malaysia, June 3-7. 
Klang D., 1995. Topographic Base Mapping in the Baltic State. 
Report, Swedish Space Corporation. Stockholm 
Malmberg U. and Andersson C., 1995. Land Use / Land Cover 
Mapping in Mongolia. Remote Sensing no 26, Swedish 
Space Corporation, Stockholm, Sweden 
Persson A., 1995. Forest Mapping with Satellite in Chile. 
Remote Sensing no 26, Swedish Space Corporation, 
Stockholm, Sweden 
Rasch H., Kihlblom U., Rosenholm D., 1988. Land Use 
Mapping of the Philippines by Satellite, a National 
Coverage within one year. Proceedings of the 9™ Asian 
Conference on Remote Sensing, Jakarta, Indonesia. 
Rasch H., 1994. Mapping of Vegetation, Land Cover and Land 
Use by Satellite - Experience and Conclusions for 
Future Project Applications. Photogrammetric 
Engineering and Remote Sensing Vol. LX, NR 3. 
Rasch H. and Atterbring J. 1994. A project for Forest Resources 
Mapping and Biomass Assessment for Malawi. Remote 
Sensing no 25, Swedish Space Corporation, Stockholm, 
Rosenholm D., 1993. Land Use and Vegetation Mapping by 
Satellite: SSC Experiences 1987-1993. ITC Journal 
1993 - 3. Enschede, Holland. 
Westin T., Rosenholm D., and Dahlberg M. 1988, Topographic 
Mapping from SPOT over Asela, Ethiopia - A case 
Study. Proceedings of the 22™ International Symposium 
on Remote Sensing of Environment, Abidjan, Cote 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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