Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Miroslav Roule, Director 
Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Czech Republic 
Commission IV, Working Group 3 
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, Cartography, Surveying, Technology, Application, Automation, Digitization, Database, 
The first phase of research and development of tools for establishment of the digital cadastre of real estates in the Czech 
Republic has been finished. It was a part of problems solution of the Information System of Surveying, Mapping and 
Cadastre as one of the National Information System of the Czech Republic source registers. 
The solution was oriented above all to areas of the geodetic control and the cadastre of real estates digitization. The solution 
results mainly gave technical (hardware and software) and technological tools for creation, management and utilization of 
the Survey Information File, so as the Descriptive Information File of the cadastre of real estates (digital cadastral map) 
database. Possibilities of photogrammetric methods application were solved too. 
The first phase of research and development of establish- 
ment of the digital cadastre of real estates (Czech abbr. KN - 
as used further) has been finished. In the period 1991-1995 
the solution was realized by the Research Institute of Geod- 
esy, Topography and Cartography (Czech abbr. VUGTK) i in 
cooperation with departments of technical development 
in cadastral offices (Czech abbr. KU), and also with the 
Land Survey Office (Czech abbr. ZU) in Prague. The solu- 
tion was passing as a part of the state development program 
PROCESS) according to decree of the CR government No. 
124 dated 17.4.1991 in the form of research and devel- 
opment project "Establishment of the Automated Infor- 
mation System of Geodesy and Cartography" (Czech abbr. 
AISGK). The conception of the AISGK solution which will 
be introduced in operational practice under the name 
(in accordance with the Act No. 359/1992 Coll.) determined 
the basic prerequisite: ISZK should become one of source 
registers (information systems) of the National Information 
System of the Czech Republic (Czech abbr. SIS CR). It is 
urgently needed e.g. for building Geographical Information 
Systems (GIS). 
There were reached basic targets of the project solution in 
techniques (hardware - HW, software - SW), technologies, 
organization, legislation, and economics. Due to the CR gov- 
ernment care and merit of the Czech Office for Surveying, 
Mapping and Cadastre (Czech abbr. CÜZK) the results are 
being realized in operational practice [1]. 
Results of the project solution have created the basic pre- 
requisities namely for: 
— applying the surveying and especially cadastre infor- 
mation as one of the SIS CR source registers, 
— enforcing the integrity of arising databases in the ISZK 
— conversion of the CR geodetic control into the Euro- 
pean Terrestrial Reference Frame (ETRF), 
— renewal of the cadastre of real estates with its recovery 
of legal relations, and with its conversion into digital 
form including tools for the Digital Cadastral Map 
(Czech abbr. DKM) creation and maintenance. 
2.1 Current imagination of the SIS CR model 
The current version of the SIS CR model represents the 
basic internal and external data flows in two levels - the 
central and the local ones. To basic data models (data 
structures stored in selected registers), the common 
characteristic of them is general respecting the GIS 
technology, belong [2]: 
— Register of Inhabitants (Czech abbr. ROB), the main 
identifier of which in the CR is the uniform series of 
personal identification numbers. It ensures the uniform 
identification of citizens. 
— Register of Organizations (Czech abbr. ROR), the main 
identifier of which in the CR is the uniform series of 
identification numbers of organizations with enterprising 
character (Czech abbr. ICO). It ensures the uniform 
identification of both juridical bodies and physical bodies - 
entrepreneurs (business undertakers). 
— Register of Spatial Identification (Czech abbr. ÜIR), the 
main identifier of which in the CR is the uniform series of 
space unit numbers on the territory of the CR as well as the 
uniform series of building numbers (so called "describing 
numbers") in regions. It ensures the basic division of the 
state territory into administration units as well as fulfils 
function of the Register of Buildings in regions. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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