Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

— Register of Cadastre of Real Estates as a part of the 
ISZK, the main identifier of which is the parcel and its 
centroid. It ensures the uniform localization of territorial 
phenomena. It describes phenomena related to space 
structures and represents them as a graphic image. The 
miscellaneousness of graphic phenomena is characterized by 
their descriptive and graphic components and integrates 
them together through a set of identifiers (names, codes, 
numeral expressions etc.). As a decentralized (local) level of 
territorially orientated information systems is created, par- 
allel with the SIS CR, and that is presented by models of 
district and municipal offices, it serves as a source layer for 
all territorially orientated information systems of other 
branches, state administration as well as for map products 
in the CR. 
2.2 ISZK databases 
The Information System of Surveying, Mapping and Cadas- 
tre (ISZK) is based on the same conception as the SIS CR, 
i.e. it has two levels - the central and the local ones. It will 
be created by databases of three subsystems [1], that will be 
interconnected, namely through the uniform database system 
and the software environment. These subsystems are: 
1. Subsystem of Basic Control (Czech abbr. SZBP), 
consisting of spatial data of basic trigonometrical, levelling, 
and gravimetrical networks of fixed points covering the 
entire state territory. By these data a uniform system of 
spatial coordinates and also a uniform projection system on 
the state territory can be defined. 
2. Subsystem of (digital) Cadastre of Real Estates (Czech 
abbr. SKN) which is formed by two interconnected informa- 
tion files: 
- Survey Information File (Czech abbr. SGI), 
- Descriptive Information File (Czech abbr. SPI). 
3. Subsystem of Topographic Information (Czech abbr. 
STI) which contains spatial data of digital medium scale 
maps on the state territory as a basic (source) topographic 
database with enforcement of possible connections to above 
mentioned subsystems. 
The simultaneous interconnection of arising databases 
of individual subsystems is ensured by MS DOS operating 
system and dBASE IV database system environment, of 
SZBP already by ORACLE. The consecutive ISZK building 
assumes above all utilization of available data funds pro- 
vided by digital surveying, photogrammetric and cartometric 
methods. By means of modern interactive technologies and 
data analysis technologies on the computer graphic systems 
and attached database installations these acquired data 
could be interpreted in a uniform way, as well as classified, 
vectorized and processed. At the same time the main 
purpose of the central database is to ensure (fulfil) the data 
coincidence with local nets LAN-PC databases, to yield 
aggregated information of the SPI SKN, as well as SZBP, 
STI, mainly for the SIS CR level, and check and archive the 
' SPI data. 
Local databases ensure the primary SKN actualization 
(management) in cadastral offices including information 
which enable generation of actualizing sentences for the 
central database. Further task of local databases is a suc- 
cessive creation and management of the Digital Cadastral 
Map (Czech abbr. DKM) and giving information about 
SZBP, SKN and STI. (Tab. 1). 
2.3 Geodetic control 
Within the framework of the SZBP there has been solved 
during the project solution till now the creation, manage- 
ment and utilization of the Horizontal and Vertical Basic 
Controls including automated topography of individual 
points [3]. Furthermore, the programs for determination of 
astronomic orientation by measurements to the Polar star 
and to the Sun [4] were processed as a part of the SZBP. In 
the VÓGTK there were also completed computing programs 
that will enable the mutual transformation of coordinates of 
the State Coordinate System of the CR (S-JTSK) into the 
European Geocentric Coordinate System (ETRF) with such 
accuracy level as demanded by the international committee 
CERCO (Comité Européen des Responsables de la Carto- 
graphie Officielle) [5]. It is concerned with processing of 
results of actual observation techniques utilizing artificial 
satellites based on the GPS (Global Positioning System) 
application. The relevant software package and technologies 
are introduced into operation in the Office of Surveying and 
Mapping which acts as the manager of these data. At the 
same time a relatively independent database from GPS 
observations was solved. This database will serve for 
registration, distribution and analyses of data acquired with 
GPS apparatus within the framework of actualization and 
maintenance of the basic control (Czech abbr. ZBP). The 
database will be connected on the central database level of 
selected 177 points, so called "Zero order network of the 
CR" [6]. 
2.4 Digitization of the cadastre of real estates 
The goal of the SKN solution was to create prerequisities 
for creation and management of the source database of both 
graphical and databasic (attributive) information. Spatial 
units and spatial data are localized in the uniform State 
Coordinate System JTSK. Spatial data are opened up in 
a common precisely defined spatial unit, without exception 
structurizable and identifiable on the entire state territory. 
It deals with cadastral district. For data transmission 
(graphical and databasic) the countrywide standardized 
interchange formats have been advertised [7]. 
The SKN is based on a common database conception of 
both survey information file (SGI - digital cadastral map - 
DKM) and descriptive information file (SPI). The technol- 
ogy of management and yielding of information from the 
Cadastre of Real Estates in local networks at cadastral 
offices respects the data (graphical and databasic) storage 
in a server, different level of data access rights, as well as 
the data protection and automated outputs in cadastral 
territories, where the DKM will be processed and main- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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