Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

(in reference to ÜIR). Also the implementation of basic 
identifiers of owners - tenants, i.e. identification numbers of 
citizens and identification numbers of juridical bodies 
(connections to ROB and ROR - about 1 million of iden- 
tifiers) and others will be finished. 
The works should be finished in 1998. 
b) SGI 
The SGI (DKM) must in future replace actual disponible 
KN map fund. The solution of this research project has been 
concentrated on creation of programming systems and 
technologies needed for restoration of these bases and their 
conversion into the form of the digital cadastral map (DKM) 
and for continual updating (maintenance) of their contents 
to correspond with the contemporary legal situation 
documented in the SPI database [10]. 
The programming system for creation, actualization and 
utilization of the DKM database was elaborated in the 
project solution framework. It concerns the applicative 
superstructure of ordinary graphic software MicroStation, 
version 5. The applicative superstructure of this general 
graphic SW is the MicroGEOS system. It is at disposal for 
all workplaces of cadastral offices in the CR including user's 
and reference handbooks and training data [11]. For exter- 
nal KN users a commercial programming system of similar 
parameters has been elaborated which will be distributed 
under the name DIKAT. 
The MicroGEOS operates under the database system 
dBASE IV and the integrating environment is ensured 
through the MS DOS operating system. Inner format for 
vector data is DGN, for raster data RLE, event. CCITT or 
The MicroGEOS in user's environment of MicroStation 
enables in the process of transformation of present map 
bases into the digital form to establish and maintain the 
DKM database through the creation of new original maps 
even using (through rearrangement) original (present) map 
The MicroGEOS enables to carry out basic functions for 
creation and updating the DKM. It secures standard outputs 
realization according to state standards. It makes possible to 
perform check functions for the right geometry and topology 
of the DKM as well as ensures the perfect interconnection 
between the SPI and DKM [12]. 
According to the decree of CÜZK ref. No. 598/1995-23 
dated 30.3.1995 the MicroGeos is applied as a uniform 
graphic system for the DKM maintenance in the CR. 
Application of the programming system MicroGEOS and 
creation of the DKM database in workplaces of cadastral 
offices will remarkably increase the operativeness of their 
services for the KN users. The MicroGEOS above all will 
mediate the direct interconnection of the SPI and SGI 
databases. Furthermore it will accelerate and with upgraded 
precision check the overhanding survey sketches for changes 
of the KN contents and mediates introduction of their 
veryfied results into the DKM digital database. It will enable 
to localize operationally the original proprietary boundaries 
of parcels from maps of former land cadastre especially in 
land blocks to restore proprietary relations to real estates. 
Last but not least it will mediate information yielding from 
the DKM database (e.g. KM duplicate) through the form of 
automated output from a computer in the real time by 
means of a plotter or a laser printer. 
It is extremely difficult to accelerate the conversion of 
present map bases of the KN into the DKM form due to 
a large number of acquired data. Actually, the whole map 
fund of the KN is needed to be transformed into the digital 
form and to be checked as to correctness of introduced data, 
to be updated its contents, and to be created conditions for 
continual maintenance of the created DKM database. 
Respecting the immediate needs of accelerated forming of 
this source localization database such conditions have to be 
created, so that all disponible capacities would be employed 
for transformation of present map bases into the digital 
form [13], [14], [15], consequently also capacities of 
potential users of this database. The works would be 
finished till about the year 2010 [9]. 
One part of the project solution in the VÜGTK was the 
mutual interconnection of the KN database with the SZBP 
and STI data [16]. The interconnection of the SPI and 
SZBP databases facilitates e.g. procedure of the ZBP points 
protection and maintenance. The join of the SGI and SPI 
KN databases to STI information efficiently raises the use 
value of the STI databases, especiall for users from 
municipal sphere [17]. The STI database utilization as a 
graphic environment for processing and maintenance of 
basic control nets survey raises again the operativeness of 
the SZBP data utilization [3]. 
The proper solution of the STI ensures ZÜ. It resulted in 
elaboration of the Fundamental Base of Geographic Data 
(Czech abbr. ZABAGED) with utilization of Basic Map 
1:10 000. The raster form of colour map image has been 
elaborated for the entire CR territory and is presented as 
ZABAGED 2 [18]. ZABAGED 1 will represent the vector 
form of Basic Map 1 : 10 000 image with appropriate clas- 
sifiers and other attributes of individual elements of the 
topographic database contents. ZABAGED 1 shall be 
realized on the entire CR territory in the century break. 
Till now we are not succeded in the full extent to restore 
great traditions of the CR in operational application of 
photogrammetric methods for creation and maintenance 
large scale digital maps, especially the DKM. In the period 
1987-1995 the utilization of photogrammetric methods 
strongly receded, above all in the state administration. It was 
due after the year 1990 especially to an enormous motion 
and division of parcels during the real estates restitution 
process. That is why the general renovation of cadastral 
maps by new mapping had to be temporarily stopped. The 
only one photogrammetric activity in operation of the state 
administration is the maintenance of topographic maps at 
the scale of 1 : 10 000 with graphical restitution on universal 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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