Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

analog plotters. Most of activities in the creation of ortho- 
photomaps and large scale thematic maps spheres is passing 
after an expressive privatization of photogrammetric activ- 
ities in the enterprise area. Owing to modern equipment in 
specialized private firms also the operativeness of aerial 
photogrammetric survey has increased. The remote sensing 
activities are being developed mostly out of state admin- 
istration as well. 
The application of photogrammetric methods to creation 
and actualization of DKM for the state administration needs 
has remained only at the research and development level till 
now. The solution results however brought valuable knowl- 
edge and recommendations for successful applications in the 
future [19]. 
In a research form there were applied the analytic and the 
2D digital methods. From acquired results the main conclu- 
sions at least can be pointed out: 
— Photogrammetric methods should be instantly oriented 
to selection, verification and determination of map 
contents identical elements of the former cadastre of 
lands, contemporary KM, and terrain - they represent 
one of the best methods of identity verification by the 
The goal is to keep the KN map products continuity. 
— For elimination error influence coming from different 
identification levels of individual detailed points being 
determined so in terrain as from aeroplane, for restric- 
tion to minimum the beaconing before flight, and for 
minimization surveying-in after restitution, there must 
be utilized images at the optimal 1: m, scale. It is rec- 
ommended to determine the maximal utilizable scale 
figure magnitude by the empirical formula 
0,025 mm 
where A xy is the deviation in mm corresponding to 
relevant class of required precision [10], i.e. the required 
resultant value of mean coordinate error of points that 
are determined. 
— If renovating the photogrammetric instrumental fleet, it 
is recommended to replace analog plotters (at the pres- 
ent time 19 instruments) by equipment for 3D digital 
photogrammetry only, e.g. by the ImageStation system, 
with direct output for the DKM database in DGN 
format [20]. 
The result of the research and development project solution 
is very useful and valuable without any doubt, although it 
would mean only the initial step on the way to enforcing the 
fully operational ISZK, and the digital cadastre of real 
estates. Relatively in a short time it contributed to overcome 
the backwardness of former operational practice behind the 
situation in developed countries on the field of informatics, 
and through this it created basic conditions at least, for 
coming back also our branch into the Europe’s conditions. 
It offered to operational practice the basic tools for creation 
and management of databases, the filling of that is the 
necessary condition of system functionating, and it repre- 
sents the largest time consumption and charges of the whole 
system. It secondarily enabled to state administration to 
improve their services provided, already in this initial phase 
In the next period the research and development in this 
section should aim at further inovations of automated 
system, which should enforce still the better consistency in 
integration of the individual ISZK subsystems including the 
management of descriptive and map parts of the KN, and 
also ensure the direct access of users to the whole system 
[1] Roule, M.: Re&ení vjzkumného projektu "Vystavba 
AISGK" napoméha zlepSovat sluzby statni spravé i obéanim. 
Solution of the research project "Establishment of the 
ISGK" helps to improve services for state administration and 
citizens as well.] GaKO 41, (83), 1995, No.3, pp.55-59. 
[2] Roule, M.: Bulding Information System for Surveying 
and Cadastre as a Component of the State Information Sys- 
tem in the Czech Republic. Proceedings of the GEOMAT- 
ICS 95 Conference. Ottawa, Canada, 1995, paper No. 81. 
[3] Kostelecky, J., Podsklan, J., Vyzvalda, P., Zajícek, L.: 
Vedení databází základních bodovÿch poli. [Management 
of basic control databases] Research report VÜGTK 
No.969/95, Appendix No.2, Zdiby, 1995. 
[4] Kostelecky, J.: SZBP - vÿpotetni programy pro urcení 
astronomické orientace. [Subsystems of basic control - 
computing programs for the determinationof astronomic 
orientation] Research report VÜGTK No.952/92, Appen- 
dix No.6, Zdiby, 1992. 
[5] Kostelecky, J.: Realizace zpfesnéné verze pievodu 
soufadnic S-JTSK do geocentrického soufadnicového sys- 
tému. [Realization of a more accurate version of the 
S—JTSK coordinates transformation into a geocentric 
coordinate system.] ^ Research report VUGTK (DU 
1—01—10), Zdiby, 1993. 
[6] Kostelecky, J., Karsky, G., Podsklan J.: Popis databáze 
a pfirucka GPS méfent. [GPS measurement - reference 
manual and database description] ^ Research report 
VÜGTK No.969/95, Appendix No.3, Zdiby, 1995. 
[7] CÛZK: Struktura a vÿménnÿ formât digitalni katas- 
tralni mapy a souboru popisnych informaci katastru nemo- 
vitosti Ceské republiky. [Structure and the interchange 
format of the digital cadastral map and the descriptive 
information file of the Czech Republic.] CUZK, ref. No. 
5729/93-22 dated 28.12.1993. 
[8] Soucek, Z.: Informaéni soubor nemovitosti - popis 
systému. [Information file of real estates - description of 
the system.] GaKO, Vol.39(81), 1993, No.9, pp.181-196. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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