Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

[9] CÜZK: Koncepce digitalizace katastru nemovitostí 
aspolupráce katastrálních üáfadü s dal&ími sprâvci nové 
tvofenych informacnich systémii. [Conception of digitizing 
the cadastre of real estates and cooperation of cadastral 
offices with other managers of new established information 
systems.] CUZK, ref. No. 3907/93-2 dated 30.12.1993. 
[10] Vyhlaska €.126/1993 Sb. ze dne 8.4.1993, kterou se 
provádí zákon 6.265/1992 Sb., o zápisech vlastnickych a ji- 
njch práv k nemovitostem, a zákon ¢.344/1992 Sb., o katas- 
tru nemovitostí CR. [Regulation No.126/1993 Coll. dated 
8.4.1993, for realization of the Act No.265/1992 Coll., about 
the register of owner's and other rights to real estates, and 
the Act No.344/1992 Coll. about the CR cadastre of real 
estates] SEVT, 1993. 
[11] Kocáb, M., Hertl, M. a kol: UZivatelská a referencní 
pfírucka MicroGEOS. [MicroGEOS - user's and reference 
manual] Research report VUGTK  No..969/95, Appendix 
No.4, Zdiby, 1995. 
[12] Kocab, M.: MicroGEOS - nástroj pro vedení digitální 
katastrální mapy. [MicroGEOS - a tool for management of 
digital cadastral map.] GaKO, Vol.41(83), 1995, No.9, 
[13] Chorley, R.: GIS a vláda, zkusenosti ze Spojeného 
kralovstvi. [GIS and government - experience from the 
United Kingdom.] VÜGTK, Pfehled informaci, Vol.21, 
1991, No.8, Zdiby. 
[14] Harbeck, R.: Zusammenarbeit von Wirtschaft und 
Verwaltung bei der Gewinnung und Nutzung geotopogra- 
phischer Basisdaten. [Cooperation between economy and 
administration in acquisition and application of geotopo- 
graphical basis data.] GIS, Geo-Informations-Systeme, 
Vol.5, 1992, No.4, pp.8-14. 
[15] Muggenhuber, G.: Daten-Information-Wissen. [Data- 
Information-Knowledge.]  Eich- u.Vermess.-Mag., 1993, 
No.72, pp.5-15. 
[16] Roule, M.: Renewal of the Cadastre od Real Estates 
in the Czech Republic Being an Impulse for Establishment 
of a Source Layer of GIS/LIS. Proceedings of the II. Con- 
ference of Section C-Geodesy, Central Europen Initiative, 
Committee of Earth Sciences, Watbrzych, Poland, 1993, 
[17] Lhoták, V.: Propojení dat ZABAGED 2 se subsysté- 
mem KN. [Interconnection of ZABAGED 2 data with the 
KN (=cadastre of real estates) subsystem.] Research report 
VÜGTK No.969/95, Appendix No.5, Zdiby 1995. 
[18] Neumann, J: ZABAGED 2 - Digitální barevná 
rastrová mapa Ceské republiky v méfitku 1 : 10 000. 
[ZABAGED 2 - Digital colour raster map of the Czech 
Republic at the scale of 1 : 10 000.] GaKO, Vol.40(82), 
1994, No.8, pp.164-167. 
[19] Roule, M.: Application of Photogrammetric Methods 
to the Creation of State Cadastre of Real Properties and 
Geographic Information System in the Czech Republic. 
Proceedings of the XVII. ISPRS Congress, Washington, 
USA, 1992, Commission IV, Part B4, pp.19-23. 
[20] Roule, M.: Moznosti vyssiho vyuziti fotogrammetrie 
v resortu CUZK. [Possibilities of the photogrammetry 
utilization on a higher level in the CUZK (=Czech Office 
for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre) branch.] Research 
report VÜGTK No.974/1993, Appendix No.11, Zdiby, 1993. 
[21] Kocáb, M.: Zpráva o splnéní cílà a parametrü feseni 
projektu "Vÿstavba AISGK". [Report about fulfilment of 
targets and parameters of the "Establishment of the AISGK" 
project solution.] Research report VÜGTK No.969/1995, 
Zdiby, 1995. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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