Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

type of classification for areas in Zhenyuan 
county is 90% roughly. Some problems 
are still left after automatic land use inven- 
tory such as shadow, mixture pixal etc. 
which should be treated by artificial classi- 
Level. I 
. Built— up Land 
. Agriculture Land 
. Range Land 
. Forest Land 
. Water 
. Barrenland 
Table. 1 
Guizhou province, China. 
Space data is the main information sources 
for GIS/LIS. Land information system 
(LIS) in Zhenyun county were consisted of 
not only TM data but other georeferences 
data such as geology, soil, topography, 
transpotation, population, administrative 
boundary, land use inventory etc.. The 
GIS/LIS software South Karst set (SKset) 
for micro computor 486/66 was developed 
by authors group in the last decade with 
both raster and vector data structure in- 
cluding the functions of environment dy- 
fication on the terminal using existing sur- 
vey data and other georeferenced data in 
the GIS/LIS. Then the accuracy of inven- 
tory could be increased ranging from 594 
to 10% again. 
Level. I 
21 Rice Paddy 
22 Crop Land 
23 Vegetable Land 
31 Herboceous Land 
32 Shrub Land 
41 Deciduous Forest Land 
42  Coniferous Forest Land 
43 Spacing Forest Land 
Land use and Land Cover Classification system for use With TM Data in Zhenyuan County 
namic detection, topographic analysis, 
overlay, multielement analysis, measure- 
ment, management of land use and covers. 
Zhenyun county is consisted of 12 villages. 
One of the biggest village is in the vicinity 
of town called Wuyan. The cropland (non- 
irrigated) distributed in the different eleva- 
tions and slopes in Wuyan village overlaied 
by topographic elements analysis and land 
use inventory (table. 2). The slopes of 
cropland exceeding 15 degree occur 36. 4% 
of total cropland. This parts are easy to be 
soil loss obviously, the authorities made 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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