Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

the decision to construct terrace field in- 
stead of nature slope step by step accord- 
ing to the information output from LIS and 
stop cultivation in the slopes exceeding 35 
degree and recovered forest as well, later 
occur 0.2% of total cropland. 
elevation (meters degree of slope 
shave sen level d ges seg. 10—14°|15—19°|20—24° |25—29° | 30—34°| >35° 
0—399 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
400— 499 2585* | 343 46 3 0 0 0 15 
500—599 1897 | 2207 | 1544 | 2330 | 953 | 298 | 124 28 
600— 699 3001 | 2202 | 1199 | 2282 | 840 | 186 62 12 
700— 799 359 | 531 | 446 | 1029 | 386 74 11 0 
800— 899 389 |. 427, | 410 | 640 | 317 51 1 0 
900— 999 105 | 123 | 162 | 286 | 254 97 9 0 
1000— 1099 20 61 45 111 45 18 5 6 
1100—1199 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 
>1200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
Table. 2 
The cropland distributed in defferent elevations &. slopes in Wuyan village, 
Zhenyuan county , Guizhou province, China 
The rangeland in Zhenyun county occured 
more than one — third of total area due to 
deforestation in the past three decades. It 
is interested for goverment to find out by 
LIS where the rangeland is suitable for 
farming coincided with five conditions as 
1. The elevation is less than 1000 me- 
ter above sea level. 
2. The slope is less than 20 degree. 
3. The slope exposed to the sun. 
4. The soil beyongs to the alumo — 
siliceous and iron —siliceous yellow soil. 
5. Non karst area. 
In this case, analysis was concerned multi- 
ple spatial and non —spatial data sets in an 
integrated manner by LIS deferring to the 
function of Automap or CAD. As a result, 
27 thousand Mu (15Mu = 1Hectare) of 
rangeland is suitable for farming in Wuyan 
village which corresponds 11% of total 
Land use are smaller and saperated each 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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