Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

other mostly due to the traditional farming 
and land scape of karst terrane. LIS pro- 
vide the methods for planning and manage- 
ment every piece of land use in such man- 
ner. Which could be chosen on the monitor 
by cursor, for example the location of 
county goverment, a series data would be 
shown on the side immediatcly (Fig. 2), 
such as inventory of land use, area, eleva- 
tion, slope, soil type, bed rock geological 
unit etc.. It is very useful for sustainable 
land use not only to increase products in 
the traditional manner but for intensive 
farming in the future. 
Land Use; built —up Land 
Area; 842 Mu 
Elevetion;501m A. S.L 
Slope :1° 
Soil; Yellow Lime Eluvial 
Bed Rock Geological Unit; €, 
Fig. 2 Land use management on the monitor 
In the past decades, the problem of invi- 
ronments in karst terrane of south — west- 
ern China had been become more serious 
due to population exploded and less invest- 
resources inventory and management by 
RS & GIS/LIS are the basic assessment of 
a long term sustainable land use. The GIS 
ment both economic and scientific. 
software SKset was developed in the last 
decade by author’s group, especially new 
editor SKset 3. 0 for windows is suitable 
for county level land information systim 
(LIS). Zhenyun county was the model of 
LIS constructed two years before. Eviron- 
ment dynamic are being detected in 14 
city/county in karst terrane to measure the 
change of forest, farmland and built — up 
land etc. in the term between 80s —90s by 
using TM data and LIS to understand 
more information of environment tolerance 
and ecosystem in karst terrane. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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